Windows SERVER Series install??

Our company was going to evaluate the AVAST! Line of Anti-Virus products for some of our servers but after downloading the demo and attempting to install, it gave me the error that it could not install on NT SERVER. Is this correct? If so, you need to revise your operating platforms to read “All but server editions”.

I tried it on a Windows 2000 Server and a Windows NT and got error messages both times.

Any suggestions?


Hi Dirk,

you are asking about the server antivirus in the avast! line of antivirus. It seems that you are evaluating avast! 3 (avast! 4 is available for home and workstation usage only now).

If I’m right and you are trying avast! 3 (sometimes called AVAST32) the answer to your question is simple - YES - you should use “Server” activation key to installed as a 3 months full functional Demo. You can find them at:

If I am not right and you are going to use avast! 4 Professional Edition on the Windows Server, the answer is NO, now. We are testing avast! 4 Server Edition on all Windows servers now (including .Net server - 2003 Server), and the results seems to be very promising, but it’ll be available in April. In the case of your interest you can take a part in beta testing.

There is a commercial product for Servers - avast! 3 Network Edition
There is a beta of avast! 4 for Windows servers

Maybe it helps Eduard


Yes - this explains everything! When I tried ver 4 that is the error I received. Seems to have installed with version 3 (AVAST32).

As a systems admin for a medium-sized Internet Service Provider I would be interested in helping you BETA TEST the server products, however, due to the nature of our business, security is a great concern to me. So I would need to run the BETA on a server that was not a production server so as not to cause disruption or security explot in our networks. But I am interested.

Thanks for your prompt reply.



that’s very good news. We’re very interested in beta testers, especially for less-mainstream platforms such as servers or Linux. :slight_smile:

We’ll start a new forum here as soon as a beta product is available. In about a week or two, there should be a beta of avast! for Linux (including Linux servers), and in about a month, there will be avast! Server Edition / Small Business Server Edition, an antivirus specialy designed for Windows NT/2000/2003 Servers with direct support for clustering, Windows Terminal and Citrix Metaframe services and EMC Celerra storage system, and including special AV modules for MS Exchange 5.x, MS Exchange 2000, MS Exchange 2003 (Titanium - BETA so far), MS Proxy Server 2, MS ISA Server 2000, Lotus Domino Server (x86 platform only), standalone SMTP Server (AV gateway), and CVP-based firewalls (CheckPoint FireWall-1). Let the party begin…! ;D

Also, there will be a beta of avast for pocket devices and smart phones (hopefully during March).

Other products/version are currently under development! :-*
Stay tuned!
