Hello. I have a Compaq laptop and have been using avast for almost 2 years. I have the Windows Startup GUI disabled for performance’s sake. Recently, Avast spotted a bit of malware and moved it to the chest. This was after a full-scan. Anyways, it recommended a boot-scan and prompted a restart. I went ahead and did it, but my laptop has been on a blank screen for well over 3 hours. It might be running the scan - I don’t know! Perhaps because I have no startup GUI for Windows or maybe the scan is in error. Any fixes or ways to startup again without the scan?
Depending on what features you turned on for the boot scan and how much stuff there is to scan on your system will dictate how long it will take, if it does keep going on forever i think the esc button cancel’s the scan ???
Still blank…Maybe a “boot-kit” virus is interfering. /idk
Well, after the billionth time of forcing the restart button and spamming the escape key… It’s back on. Avast doesn’t seem to have any results, so I guess I cancelled the scan successfully. I’m just guessing something interrupted the scan(?)
Well, thanks
Can you post a screen shot of the Avast scan log that found the malware?
Right now we are guessing at what originally infect your PC.
Your welcome