Windows Vista Kernel Patch Protection Myths

Windows Vista Kernel Patch Protection Myths

I’m tired of seeing people misrepresenting Kernel Patch Protection in the 64 bit version of Windows Vista. For those who don't know, this is the feature in our 64 bit operating systems that prevents *undocumented* and *unsupported* kernel interfaces from being used. So I looked at some myths that are being spread about it and tackled each one:

Hi Mastertech
I know this is off-topic but without the PM function, I don’t know of any other way to ask.
I’m having a problem installing Vista for the following reasons:

You must make the following changes before installing Windows
"Close Windows installation and contact the device manufacturer for updated driver software for these devices:
SCSI and RAID controllers: Adaptec AHA-2930CU PCI SCSI Controller
Close Windows installation, go to Programs, and uninstall the following programs:
Roxio Backup MyPC "

The unistall isn’t a problem even though it’s a program that’s no longer on my computer but probably still has traces
in the registry.

On the driver problem, it referres to a SCSI card I installed a long time ago for a ZIP drive that I haven’t used in years.
Any suggestions?


(Again, sorry for the off-topic question)

Mastertech, sorry for bumping into your thread, just trying to help Bob…

@Bob - I believe I sent you PM few days ago (maybe week maybe two) but not sure if you received it. Anyway, my suggestion was to completely remove that SCSI card from your PC especially because you don’t use it anymore.

The other thing is… this is the links for official Adaptec website, page with downloads for exact model of the card you have:


As you can see there is no Vista as an OS that’s supported listed inside that list. So, there is practically no way you can force that piece of hardware to work properly in Vista, unless someone somewhere released some compatible third party drivers for your card. However there is always some hope that Adaptec will release those drivers if this card is not that old… otherwise, you have to remove it from your computer.

As far as program Roxio Backup MyPC notification goes (non-compatible software) I am not 100% sure, but I believe you can proceed with Vista installation without any troubles. Especially if you are 100% sure that program is already uninstalled. Most likely there still are some traces of it left in registry, or maybe even you didn’t uninstall everything properly last time you were uninstalling it.

Cheers !

Thanks Sasha
For right now, I’ve got Vista installed on VMWare Workstation.
At least that way I can get familiar with it. :slight_smile:

Vista Mythbusters #8: That license isn’t so bad, after all

Bob, In that article it says

it’s clear that Vista’s “technical limitations” include Home Basic’s inability to use two physical CPUs

Does this mean two diffrent processor packages or does it mean anything other than hyperthreading (EX: Dual-Core or Quad core) ??? ??? :-[