Windows XP hangs up during boot

Hi, I got this issue that I can’t seem to resolve, so any help would be greatly appreciated

I am running a Windows XP SP3 OS. and after a recent AVAST update, I tried to restart it, but it just hangs up during boot, so I tried to go into Safemode, and tried to boot that way, but it stopped after loading up to aswrvrt.sys

I can’t post any troubleshooting info, because I can’t get in to do anything, also I don’t have a Windows XP CD.

Get or create a Windows XP installation cd.
Boot from it.
Perform a in-place repair.

Where can I download one free?

Make sure you get a version that includes SP3 or download/install SP4 if you get one without SP3.

Okay, I got one, it was an ISO so I burned it as a CD and even put it on a USB, I ran it as both, the CD, didn’t work, but the USB did, but when I tried to to the repair it didn’t show a Window’s Install, so what should I do?

You should not choose repair, but install.
When is asked where to install select the same folder as Windows is in now.

As for the CD not working, you might need to change the boot order in the BIOS if you want to boot from CD/DVD.

Sorry, that’s what I meant, I tried the install, and no windows found, which is better to use, the CD or the USB? And if I should use the CD, I know how to boot from CD, but I don’t know how to change things in the BIOS

It doesn’t matter if you use the USB or the CD.
Both should work if you can boot from it.

Are you sure it hangs when booting in safemode ?
If it does, it means Windows is still there and the install cd/usb should see it.

Did you used (or try to use) avastclear ?

Yes, it hangs up in Safemode, and since I can’t get in to windows, I can’t run anything

You could boot from a live cd and delete the file to see what happens if you try to boot after doing so.

But personally, I would just wipe the drive/partition and install Windows from scratch. (unless you have a image of the drive)

Well, when I use the USB, I am unable to get it to go past the install screen, without doing a new install, so how do I get it to the point where I can delete the file, and if I can get it to that point, what file do I delete? Also if I do a new install, will I lose all everything that is on my hard drive?

I did told you to choose a new installation I also did told you how you can remove the file.

Okay, so if I choose new install, will I lose everything on my hard drive?

If it doesn’t detect the current Windows installation, the answer is yes.

Still a way to recover, maybe…

Get your personal files off the drive using Ubuntu Live CD:

I did mentioned that option in reply #9

Okay, I’ll try to do that, or I might have an old hard drive that I even still have windows on it, I’ll try that first.
Just for future reference any idea what happened to cause this?

Often it is not possible to tell what happened.
Could be things like :

  • power shortage (even if it is just a millisecond)
  • data written to a bad sector on the disk
  • dying hardware
  • software conflict
  • faulty windows installation
  • a little fly that ate a bit from a byte :slight_smile:

Ah, I gotcha, just one of those things, well, I am gonna try to locate that other drive, and try it, I do already have a USB with Ubuntu on it, so if all fails I can get to my files, I will let you know how things go. Thanks again for all the help!