Hi, I got this issue that I can’t seem to resolve, so any help would be greatly appreciated
I am running a Windows XP SP3 OS. and after a recent AVAST update, I tried to restart it, but it just hangs up during boot, so I tried to go into Safemode, and tried to boot that way, but it stopped after loading up to aswrvrt.sys
I can’t post any troubleshooting info, because I can’t get in to do anything, also I don’t have a Windows XP CD.
Okay, I got one, it was an ISO so I burned it as a CD and even put it on a USB, I ran it as both, the CD, didn’t work, but the USB did, but when I tried to to the repair it didn’t show a Window’s Install, so what should I do?
Sorry, that’s what I meant, I tried the install, and no windows found, which is better to use, the CD or the USB? And if I should use the CD, I know how to boot from CD, but I don’t know how to change things in the BIOS
Well, when I use the USB, I am unable to get it to go past the install screen, without doing a new install, so how do I get it to the point where I can delete the file, and if I can get it to that point, what file do I delete? Also if I do a new install, will I lose all everything that is on my hard drive?
Okay, I’ll try to do that, or I might have an old hard drive that I even still have windows on it, I’ll try that first.
Just for future reference any idea what happened to cause this?
Ah, I gotcha, just one of those things, well, I am gonna try to locate that other drive, and try it, I do already have a USB with Ubuntu on it, so if all fails I can get to my files, I will let you know how things go. Thanks again for all the help!