Windows XP Pro Problems

Hi, I thought I’d inform you of something I encountered with your product. I downloaded Avast 4 and installed it on my Windows XP Pro computer. At the end it asked me if I would like to restart now or later and I chose later so that I could save some work in some other programs I had open. Anyway, once I saved my work I restarted my computer. When it rebooted I tried logging in and got the windows welcome sound immediately followed by the logging off sound … and back to my login prompt. It was a perpetual loop, no matter now many times I tried logging in or rebooting it would either log me right out or lock up. I had to start up in safe mode and uninstall the Avast 4 and now my computer is working fine again.

This is a pretty serious bug and I probably won’t be trying Avast again, but figured you would want to know.

Hey, sorry, you seem to be infected by a worm…
See, Blaster Worm page in Microsoft (or Windows Update page).

If you try again, reboot just after avast instalation 8)
Good luck. I have a Win XP Pro system too ;D

According to Norton’s standalone FixBlaster.exe, Blaster isn’t on my system.

What is your system configuration (RAM, Firewall, etc.)?
Do you have Norton Antivirus installed? >:(
Have you installed NAV anytime in your computer? :-\

At one point in time, I had a month trial of Norton Antivirus. However, that was uninstalled shortly after the trial expired and well before I tried installing Avast.

I’ve got an Athlon 900 with 512MB RAM running Windows XP Pro with fairly standard settings. I’ve got a firewall built into my router that I use. Internal network is set up with NAT.

Hmm, you´re in danger… NAV is the worse program to get rid of.
Let´s guide you to have success on it.

  1. First (you have already done), use Control Panel, Remove NAV (you may stay with other Norton SystemWorks Suite). Boot.
  2. Then, run RNAV2003. Answer no to the first question. Chose remove NAV2003. Boot
  3. Install avast!. Boot.
  4. You must “change” some Windows Registry keys… See DOS under XP / NAV;action=display;threadid=259;start=0
    The best way is “backup the original key”, then backup again with another name and change the file. You´ll get a string with … 00,00, … in the middle and at the end. Symantec “mess” your registry! Let just the last group of zeros. In the middle, change to one: … 00, …
  5. Boot.
  6. Test your antivirus with eicar test.

Sorry, what´s NAT?

Good luck. If you need more help, just ask… :wink:

NAT= Network Address Translation, It “blocks” your lan from getting accessed from the WAN(e.g.internet). So he will never get infected by Opasoft or Blaster Malware spreading via TCP/IP through the internet.
Lets say it is a kind of firewall

Thanks for the explanation. Will you try the other solutions?
I´ll back here if you need help (or send me a private message)… :smiley:

Hi Technical

I am not Rooster1865 . :wink:

Thanks anyway raman (sorry, I did not note that was you…).
By the way, where are you Rooster1865… 8)