Windows XP stops at aswRvrt.sys; Loads Black Screen with Cursor, NO Windows

Hello. When I try to turn on my mother’s Dell XPS M1530, it loads drivers, stops at aswRvrt.sys for a while, then loads a black screen with a black cursor in the middle. That’s it. I feel the problem is with Avast! Can I get some help please?

See: “If you cannot Boot the computer”

I tried running Windows using the boot CD. I got the following screen:

FWIW, I have the Windows Recovery Disc. Can I just use that to run FRST?

From the windows boot disc select "Repair my Computer "
Next select Command prompt
Type in the following command and press enter :

chkdsk c: /r

Reboot he computer on completion

I made a mistake. It was a reinstallation disc, not a boot disc. Do you happen to have the Windows XP boot .iso?

As per the website above:

There are no ISOs for Windows NT, 2000, XP or Vista.

It says the reinstallation disc should work but it only prompts me to reinstall Windows and not repair.

This is from Microsoft:

Is this actually the XP boot disc? I tried using it and I got a black screen reading “Bootmgr is missing.” I am loading from a USB flash drive.

From the website:

Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) includes all previously released updates for the operating system. This update also includes a small number of new functionalities, which do not significantly change customers’ experience with the operating system.
This file is a CD image file for users who wish to create an update CD for Windows XP Service Pack 3, for example for offline installation by administrators.

Doesn’t that mean it’s just a XP update instead of the XP boot disc?

It means it’s an iso file that allows you to create a disc to install Windows XP. You need to have the reg. code.

Currently doing this. Will update when done.

I ran check disk and restarted afterwards. Still nothing.

Attached is the FRST.txt file after running FRST in safe mode on the computer in question. Thanks in advance for any help.

Update: uninstalled Avast using uninstall utility found here: I was in safe mode. Computer working perfectly now.

Glad you fixed although you don’t mention whether you’ve successfully reinstalled AVAST yet.

I was just about to post as I didn’t understand the ‘help’ being given here. The link to the MS download was for XP Service packs 3 not a repair or reinstall disc.

If you have the original install disc either OEM or retail there should be a repair option provided. Whether this was the right course of action in this case (apparently not) I had no idea so this ‘how to…’ link was provided FYI only:-"Repair-Install"

Well, I was really dumb and didn’t notice the “Repair Windows” text at the bottom-left of the reinstall window when I used the reinstall CD-ROM that I had.

I used the repair windows link on the CD-ROM to restore the system to a past checkpoint and uninstall Avast from there.

I will not be reinstalling Avast to that system so I will not be able to comment whether or not it would be successful or not.

Apparently the problem isn’t gone. Actually, it’s back now. I can’t update run Windows Update without the problem returning. Can any read into my FRST.txt and tell me how to proceed?

Apparently the fault is NOT with Avast since your problem is still present.
MS no longer supports XP and mo longer offers updates for that OS.
The only way to still receive updates through MS is to install a NON MS version called
Windows Unofficial Service Pack 4. More information at:

Avast IS actually still present on the system since I had to do a system restore. I’m back to where I started at the beginning of this thread. The problem is STILL with aswRvrt.sys.

Any chance at a fixlist.txt?

Wait for Essexboy.