Windows7 does not detect avast after update

There isn’t any conflict.
The turning off/on WMI works in a lot of computers (included mine :)).

I’ve tried turning off/on WMI and rebooting but still no joy in mudville. I’ve noticed some other threads about the same problem but I’m unable to discern if it involves Win7-64bit only or if the problem is related to Avast Free v6.0.1125 only. Not enough information yet. But there does seem to be a problem somewhere. I’ve been using Avast for over a year now with absolutely no problems or conflicts. Seems the latest update broke something as there have been no other major software changes on my system. The Windows Action Center still thinks there is no anti-virus software installed. :cry:

Do you mean ?

Or run a command line as admin:
net stop winmgmt
del C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository
net start winmgmt (or boot)

What did you do? What is off/on WMI for you?

Or run a command line as admin: net stop winmgmt del C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository net start winmgmt (or boot)

What did you do? What is off/on WMI for you?

I cleared out the Repository using the “old fashioned” method…used MMC to stop the WMI service, manually deleted the Repository folder, and then rebooted which rebuilt the Repository. (I guess I like to point and click instead of type :o

Still getting the WAC to complain about no AV progam, I once again checked the Repository files and everything was reported as consistent. So I un-installed Avast again but manually deleted all the Avast files and folders left behind including the complete set of Avast files and data left behind in the “C:\Program Data\Avast Software”. I then manually swept the registry of all left-over entries mentioning Avast (all appeared to be neutral but I wanted a clean re-install). With Avast completely erased, I once again rebuilt the Repository as described above just to be sure I was starting with a clean slate.

I re-installed Avast 6.0.1125 and almost immediately the WAC said all was good. So far so good!! ;D

One thing I did notice is that previously I had been re-installing Avast v6.0.1019 and then letting the program update itself. This time I started out with 1125. That really should not have been a problem. I never noticed it was a slightly older version until I bothered to check the properties of the file. Sure wish Avast would learn to add version info to the filename otherwise “setup_av_free” doesn’t mean much, i. e. “setup_av_free_6.0.1125” would be more informative.

Since things are working, I can safely close this matter out.

Thanks for the help.