I have had avast internet security running on this box for a while now and all was well till the day before yesterday.
I did an update run and updated both the engine and definitions and also the program update.
Before i never had gotten this message but after i did the update now i get the message from the
windows action center about not detecting an antivirus on the system.
I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Avast Internet Security
Program Version:6.0.1091
Virus Definitions Version: 110509-0
All the settings in Avast are set to defaults and i do not mess with them.
I have ran scans on the system and there is no virus or anything else wrong, i could not find any
other messages in the action center logs except for an incompatibility message about a pc cam i tried
to use a while back which was incompatible with 64 bit windows. I do keep my program and definitions
updated regularly and never have had this issue before.
Why has this recent update caused this problem and what do i need to do?
Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1. If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after you’ve run it.
Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro. Or even upgrade your key from old versions.
Check and post the results. If, for any reason, you did not solve, try doing the step 3 in Safe Mode anyway.
Thanks for the quick response
I do have one question though
I purchased a 2yr 3pc agreement and if i do this will it change any of that
I still have 2pc’s left to install it on and i donot want to uselessly use up those due to some error caused by this update.
Before i do this i need to know if the reinstall over the existing program will affect this?
Hello hectic,
i can try this but i have reinstalled the program with the origional that i purchased using the licence file it came with
and the system sees it fine, the system is now reporting it as being out of date and wants me to update it.
I will go ahead with the updating and see what happens. If you think i should do otherwise let me know, i will wait for a few before running the update to give you time to respond back.
Hi Tech,
Do you want me to run the update first? or send you the log segment first before updating?
Being that the system is seeing it correctly NOW i will assume you want me to run the update
and then send the log segment?
ok while i was waiting for your response the program just autoupdated itself to engine and definition file 110509-0 but the program version is still at 5.1.889
the system is still reporting it as ok
one thing i have noticed while checking things is
the avast maintenance update page is reporting the engine and definitions version and program version as “up to date”
Engine and definitions: Already up to date (current version 110509-0)
Program: Already up to date(current version 5.1.889)
As of now everything is fine, the system is reporting no problems…
but yet at the bottom of the window it tells me a new version is available of 6.0.1091
I believe when i applied this program update before is when all this started.
Do you want me to run the program update and send you a log file of this IF it errors out again?
So you can see why?
i went ahead and did the program update from version 5.1.889 to 6.0.1091 and so far its reporting it as OK.
but when i do a system health anaylsis that report still says the “Security Center has not recorded an anti-virus product”
even though the icon in the system tray reports everything as ok. Only when i run the health assessment is when it shows this warning message. “Sounds like a windows issue to me” DOH! :
apparently trying to grab the parts that pertain to the incidences during the transcript are too large for this forum.
200kb is the largest i can send and that cuts out alot of it.
can i email you this? in zip form as it will be alot smaller.
would be nice if this forum would allow zip format, then i could send it all to you ;D
Of course now that its working ok except for that anomoly in the security center i dont see the point unless you just want
to see my system specs ;D or see whats going on during the install. hehe
the action center reports several different things about the system performance and gives you options to do maintenance on the system.
the advanced tools menu gives you tools to:
1-clear all windows experience index scores and re-rate the system
2-view performace details in event log
3-open performance monitor
4-open resource monitor
5-open task mangler (task manager) ;D
6-view advanced system details in system information
7-adjust the appearance and performance of windows
8-open disk mangler (disk manager) ;D
9-generate a system health report (this is where i get that warning msg)
ehhh it wont let me post 400 lines, i get msg about exceeding 10000 characters :
lemme put in a txt file and attach it
Well i do have the complete logfile which is alot larger.
There is no way the forum will let me post it unless i break it
up into several files.
As for now its been running good all day without incident so as long as the system is
running ok i might just leave that part as is unless it reveals some other problem later on.
Well i was just checking for the origional log which was like 3mb in size and at some point it got removed.
Probably during the removal and reinstall so i cannot give you what i dont have anymore.
Oh well.
So much for this project…pffft
I also started seeing the Win7-64 Action Center message on my system about 3 or 4 days ago also (Windows did not find anti-virus software on this computer). Maybe the latest program updates broke something, dunno. I will add that about 10 days ago I noticed that Avast was disabled and not running. I tried re-enabling it but kept getting an error message. I then un-installed Avast Free and re-installed it. Ran a complete system scan and no threats found. Now after a few updates Win7 Action Center thinks Avast does not exist but it seems to be running just fine. Complete system scans still show no threats.
Maybe I should try that special un-install utility and then re-install Avast Free. I don’t like the alternative idea of turning off the Windows Management items because of a conflict between Avast and Win7-64, if there is one.