My virusscanner (F-Prot antivirus) detected this file :
winsystem32xp.exe - W32/Spybot.KAM
But when I search for it on my comp I could never find the file. So I googled that file and it’s called a W32.Kelvir.W worm and I deleted it with Symantec.
My computer is still being weird and slow though.
This time I used NoAdware to scan my computer and all these weird pif.files came up. NoAdware doesnt delete the files though, it just scans.
I searched for .pif files on my computer and a few files came up, but i had to switch of my pc, cause the screen began shaking and being all weird =S.
All I want to know is how to delete .pif files and how can i know if the worm was really deleted from my computer.
My computer is surely still infected
Oh a few times this small black window came on to my screen and it said somethign like : “Don’t worry…Killing all the pests”.
Well it was something like that =/. So I don’t know if that was a hacker that was typing something to me :o