I use Avast for a long time, but that the first i see what i will describe you. I just have to say that my winxp is a fresh install, so perhaps i have done something wrong.
So I have two sessions on my computer, when the first connected person get his mail, all is ok, but if the second person open a session (without logout the first), when getting mail, graphics (mail icon, and interface if a virus is found) display on the screen of the first session !!!
that’s the first time i use nvidia desktop too !
So, is it know bug, or is it a nvodoa bug (if so sorry)
Are both accounts with administrator rights?
Or, on contrary, one of them is a common user?
Are you using FAT32 or NTFS file system?
It’s strange. My computer has 2 users (XP Pro), NTFS system, and I have no trouble on mail scanning.
If you use avast so long, why did you late that much to join these forums? ;D
Welcome 8)
i use XP Pro with NTFS
users are both admin
avast was installed with (administrateur ) administrator
avast is the last release (4.6) !
I never have problem with avast and everybody that used it after i say them don’t have problem ! so why searching something.
But now that’s my first problem with it ! and i test this afternoon, nvidia drivers are not in cause !
Are you talking about the dialog that’s shown when a virus was found, or the Suspicious Message warning?
The virus warning dialog should be displayed on the correct desktop. I’m not sure about the Suspicious Message warning dialog though…