WinXP with more than one user

HI !

I use Avast for a long time, but that the first i see what i will describe you. I just have to say that my winxp is a fresh install, so perhaps i have done something wrong.

So I have two sessions on my computer, when the first connected person get his mail, all is ok, but if the second person open a session (without logout the first), when getting mail, graphics (mail icon, and interface if a virus is found) display on the screen of the first session !!!

that’s the first time i use nvidia desktop too !

So, is it know bug, or is it a nvodoa bug (if so sorry)


Are both accounts with administrator rights?
Or, on contrary, one of them is a common user?
Are you using FAT32 or NTFS file system?

It’s strange. My computer has 2 users (XP Pro), NTFS system, and I have no trouble on mail scanning.
If you use avast so long, why did you late that much to join these forums? :wink: ;D
Welcome 8)

Did you install Avast while using a administrator account (XP home) or logged in as administrator (XP Pro)?

Are you using the latest version of avast (4.6)?

ok so :

i use XP Pro with NTFS
users are both admin
avast was installed with (administrateur :slight_smile: ) administrator
avast is the last release (4.6) !

I never have problem with avast and everybody that used it after i say them don’t have problem ! so why searching something.
But now that’s my first problem with it ! and i test this afternoon, nvidia drivers are not in cause !

this is really strange !

thanks to answer anyway !

Are you talking about the dialog that’s shown when a virus was found, or the Suspicious Message warning?
The virus warning dialog should be displayed on the correct desktop. I’m not sure about the Suspicious Message warning dialog though…

Does the existence of two administrator could ‘cross’ over the messages?
Do you switch the user while downloading mail?

ok, i don’t do stange things !
switching user during retrieving mail is not really easy at all ! time is short !

i will reinstall to see if my unattend install is not the problem (even if install is done in administrator) !

thanks for your help ! i will do a report later !
