[wish] Location report when shutdown, restarted, low battery.

When the phone is shutdown, restarted, or low battery, report the location.

I’m not a Android expert, but…

on low battery, that should be technical possible.
avast has already the battery saver tool.
Logic (well at least mine) would say (part of) it can be used, but is has to be integrated (or connected to) anti-theft.

on shutdown and/or boot up, might not be possible due to the way Android is working.

I would change the “Anti-Theft” to “Lost”. Because the scenario usually begins with “I can’t find my phone”. Is it lost? Is it misplaced? Is it stolen?

The first step people will do is try to find their phone. I want my phone to beacon itself. I want my phone’s ringtone to play whatever my current audible ringtone is, and keep playing until I tell it to stop. Maybe I find the phone located in a room of my house, or buried under a bunch of papers.

Next I want to see the last location of the phone. But what if the battery is dead? What if the phone shutdown? Solve this by sending the location at shutdown/restart or critically low battery.