Wn32:Esepor-B [Trj] need help..

Currently using avast4 home edition and found this virus… Wn32:Esepor-B [Trj]. I have been unable to find a fix for this. Any help woud be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



I’m unable to post a reply raman. I’m likely doing something wrong here. Anyways the files infected are… C:\WINDOWS\system32\tksrv98.exe[UPX], and C:\WINDOWS\system32\tmk.srvy.exe

Sorry for replying this way.

Which file is reported as infected, and where is it located? Which virusname is givven if scanning the file here: http://www.kaspersky.com/scanforvirus

haha… I was getting an error message when I tried to reply before… now it works. I’ve posted the files in my previous post. The name of the virus is apparently Wn32:Esepor-B[trj]. Thanks again.


  1. please enter
    into the board-search above…

  2. Info:

  3. just let avast delete/move the files,
    or just delete the files in SafeMode (F8-Boot)
    and/or use Ad-Aware & SPYBOT


You may find this link of use http://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/virusencyclo/default5.asp?VName=TROJ_ESEPOR.B

However, when Avast found it it should have given a number of options, the main ones being Delete it or Move it to the Chest, what did you do?

If you chose either of these options, you should be ok. Have you run a check since, did it find it again, was it clear?

You may need to disable system restore (WinXP or ME), reboot, run avast scan again, if clear, enable system restore again.

HTH David

Hi… Thanks for the help. I selected the ‘chest’ option for the files in question. I hope that’s ok?? I’m going to try running ad-aware and avast again. I’ll be sure to post if it doesn’t work. Thanks again.
