Won't accept license key

I tried this from another post and still no luck. I am running Vista Prem 64 bit.

  1. download the offline avast installer from here : http://www.avast.com/eng/download-avast-home.html , please use the full installer. do not download the online installer and also from cnet (download from avast site itself). select the required language.

  2. download avast uninstall utility from here: http://files.avast.com/files/eng/aswclear.exe

disconnect from the internet.

  1. Start Windows in Safe Mode.

  2. Run the uninstall utility (If you installed avast! in a different folder than the default, browse for it)

  3. Remove

  4. Restart your computer.

  5. install using the brand new installer you download in step 0.

  6. restart.

  7. insert key.

  8. update av.

Hi tlyman,

What is the error message you get?
Can you double check the system time and date?

Do these help?
avast! license key tutorial
avast! FAQ >> Invalid License Number


thats mine!

what is the error you get when you try to insert(post a pic if you can).

are you trying to install a pro version key?.

It is the free program and the key is what I recieved in the email.
I get no error message. I says the key has been accepted but when I try to do a boot scan it is greyed out. When I try to see the license key it is blank.

sorry, but boot scan is not available for 64-bit os.

you can see your license key : right click avast! tray icon > about avast! > registration key(it is this which you have to see).

edit : (if you click on license key option which is at the bottom then it’ll show a window to insert new key.)

OK I see it. So a boot scan is not needed on the 64 bit?

it doesn’t mean that it is not needed but… not available :cry:

Thank for you help.


As far as I am aware, it is being worked on for a future version of avast5, maybe 5.1, 5.2 or something

untill then, you can do a standard scan or full scan or quick scan instead.

welcome to the forums.

Boot scan info
