Hi I am running avast free and have been successfully.
Am doing so on XP SP3 (32) with the following also running:
Lavasoft Ad Aware
McAffee Safe Advisor (built in to Firefox)
Things had been running just fine.
Now, AVast V 5.0.594 will not update the vdf (running 8/23) or the program
The error says: Can not connect to servers.def.vpx (or similar) and has saif this for awhile now. I did a manual download of the update and ran it but it didn’t take. Program and vdf’s are unchanged.
Of course, the internet is fine today as well. The only (possible) related sympton is IE ssl (possible) problems. Did an order and it got hung too. Moved to firefox and it worked fine. ???
For a repair of avast. Windows, Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button from the pop-up window, scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.
Lavasoft Ad Aware
I would replace this with Malwarebytes http://filehippo.com/download_malwarebytes_anti_malware/
Thanks. That was a good idea. and it worked.
Followed your instructions exactly and, also, ran scans (clean) after updating.
The update program still doesn’t see the server but I can live with that (I think) for awhile. I’m running V 5.0.594. Just checked the web. all I could find was 5.9. So I guess this is the most current. Would be nice if it said “checked, most current version installed”. Again, thanks for the help. Bye.