Dear All,
Does anybody know about this worm?
Because some users has been infected by this kind worm : foto http:// foto-spaces. com / image. php
Please kindly advice,
Dear All,
Does anybody know about this worm?
Because some users has been infected by this kind worm : foto http:// foto-spaces. com / image. php
Please kindly advice,
Dear All,
Apparently this worm capable detected by avast! from network shield and web shield moduls as favico.ico
Hi Yanto.Chiang,
Apparently they are taking the worm off: 503. Service Unavailable
This is a survey of all sites that were affected:–-“foto-httpariafotos-comimage-php-sau-httptviceimg-comimage-php”/
Hi Polonus,
Thanks for your kindly advice,
Yes, they are taking to turn off their worm server.
But this case happened few days ago, and infected quite a lot of user in Indonesia. But we had tried at office, and apparently avast! able to blocked this worm and identify as favicon.ico malware.
Hi Yanto.Chiang,
More info here:
MBAM is known to remove this malware,