Would you like to continue to see the google toolbar in setup?

Would you like to continue to see the google toolbar in setup?


In a perfect world? Nope. :wink:

after years of using another vendors antivirus, i decided to switch, and after extensive research, i selected avast. its the best i can find, except for the toolbar. Its just unlike a security firm to offer a toolbar, it just feels uneasy.

i know of another company doing the same and they got flack for doing so.

overall, avast is excellent, just no toolbar please.

Practically I don’t need that toolbar but avast! is providing a free software AND they need money to develop it so google is sponsoring avast! via its toolbar and chrome :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Untick if you don’t want and tick if you want :slight_smile: :slight_smile: that’s so simple. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I answered “No” but in truth, I don’t remember ever seeing it.
Is it not in every install or did I just uncheck it without even noticing?

I think this is not on user hands :slight_smile:

Sure it is Tech. If the users complain enought and/or stop using the product until it’s fixed, They’ll have to listen.

What google toolbar ?

There is an option to install google chrome and to make that the home page, but I saw nothing about a google toolbar and it certainly didn’t attempt to install a google toolbar

  1. There is no Google Toolbar
  2. There is an opt-out for installing Chrome
  3. Complain all you want. It’s up to Prague to make this decision.
  4. Chrome is the most popular browser. See http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp
  5. No, I did not say Chrome was the best…just the most popular. :slight_smile:

edit: My only complaint concerning Chrome is I don’t have access to my Yahoo Mail.

If there is or isn’t, I’m not totally sure but when it comes to ‘any toolbar’ I am not a Fan; too much potential for security compromise… :-\ 8)

I would like to see an image of this tool bar. I have never seen one installed by avast.

HI I would also like to see this avast toolbar because I never seen a toolbar offered by avast before. But I do now that you can untick a box to install or not install google Chrome browser.

I have been using avast antivirus free for years and have never installed any toolbar from avast ever.

have a great night everyone.


That seems to be new. I’ve never seen it before.


Wow! Thanks for posting this. And this is a paid version. Image shows avast! Pro Antivirus and appears to be an opt-out option. Not very impressive.

Do you have Google Chrome installed? Do you use Internet Explorer as your default browser?

edit: removed quote

Yup, I came across this crap the other day and did a double take. It is really peeing people off. Avast have shot themselves in the foot with this.

In the last week I have been asked to remove avast from @ 7 laptops and a couple of PC’s and replace the AV with another product because people had done a default install and not realised they were going to get Google products added.

Come on avast , toolbars for heavens sakes ??? Very, very stupid move, nobody wants them on their systems.

I don’t remember seeing that when I downloaded Avast.

Thanks for posting the image as that makes the point of the topic very clear.

The more interesting observation/point is that this recommendation is in a Paid version, avast! Pro setup, not good at all.

Some people here before putting other user remarks down, should look carefully for more information.
Thanks for the pic, Windgrain, I was going to ask a friend of mine to send it to me for the forum.

Its just a toolbar. No big deal. AVG installs a toolbar by default. Norton use to install Ask toolbar. Its just a recommendation. Ignore it. Tons of free and paid software install toolbars. Its up to you to uncheck the option. Even Zone Alarm installs a secure search toolbar.