Wrong "not enough space available on /system" message


Just trying to install Anti-theft to my SGS4, no luck, it keeps saying an error about “not enough space available on /system” which is wrong (I have 2.2Gb free).

Attached screenshot and df of the /system partition:

Filesystem               Size     Used     Free   Blksize
/system                  2.7G   439.5M     2.2G   4096

Btw I’m root and I’ve choosen the “Root Instalation” method.

this is a bug, it will be fixed in next program update.

Hi Reinhard,

As part of the AT Advanced Beta Test program, I’ve just received version 3.0.5548, but I had the same problem (maybe the problem was lying in the previous version which was trying to update, not in the new 3.0.5548).

At the end, what I did use adb shell as root, find the newly downloaded file (called “*.temp.Apk”) in anti-theft files (under /data/data/…anti-theft…/files/), and overwrite manually the apk in /system/app :wink: ).

(PS: sorry for the poor report on the file and dir names, I report it from memory as I accidentaly closed the window containing the commands and output history)

EDIT: Either I didn’t upgrade correctly (maybe I didn’t took the correct apk…), or there’s a new build that was pushed in the meantime (3.0.5564 BETA). Gonna try to upgrade and report.

EDIT2: Upgrade from 3.0.5548 to “3.0.5564 BETA” when smoothly via the automated (app) process :wink: . I only paste here the file names and path for the record.

root@android:/data # ls -al ./data/com.avast.android.antitheft/files/AvastAntiTheftInstaller.temp.apk
id.antitheft/files/AvastAntiTheftInstaller.temp.apk <
-rw-rw-r-- u0_a154 u0_a154 6252490 2013-08-01 13:09 AvastAntiTheftInstaller.temp.apk
root@android:/data # date
Thu Aug 1 13:09:40 CEST 2013
root@android:/data # ls -al /system/app/theft
ls -al /system/app/theft
-rw-r–r-- root root 6252490 2013-08-01 13:09 com.avast.android.antitheft.apk
root@android:/data #

Please report your experiences and problems with our Beta-Versions in the Beta-Forum:

I can’t do much here, as I’m just the support guy. In this part of the forum, you’re in direct contact with the development team.


upgrade from old version has the same problem as of course it still contains the bug. we fixed install + upgrade FROM new version to another version.