Wrongly blocking website

For the last few months your software kept flagging completely safe bits of code at this forum:

People have complained to the staff at avast! before and nothing ever got done about it. Now I find today the entire site is blocked as soon as you try and load it, unless you add exceptions to it. It’s a totally safe Doctor Who discussion site and the objects that used to be flagged are absolutely fine. I can’t believe not only was it NOT fixed before but now the whole thing has been flagged as unsafe.

Come on, review this already.

You can report a possible FP here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles

Report 2012-01-04 15:20:36 (GMT 1)
Website gallifreybase.com
Domain Hash 3f4fb23fcef03ef62962e7ddcc32995d
IP Address [SCAN]
IP Hostname host.gallifreybase.com
IP Country US (United States)
AS Number 19066
AS Name WIREDTREE - Cogswell Enterprises Inc.
Detections 0 / 21 (0 %)
Status CLEAN

Thanks, I’ll do that now. Not sure what the beef is with the website but as said, avast! haven’t fixed this for months, but this is the first time the whole site has been blocked.

You’re welcome.