We are the owner of hxxp://www.codedazur.nl. The web page has been blocked by Avast Antivirus Real-time Protection!
We believe this is a false alarm from Avast. Please verify and rectify the issue as soon as possible.
We are the owner of hxxp://www.codedazur.nl. The web page has been blocked by Avast Antivirus Real-time Protection!
We believe this is a false alarm from Avast. Please verify and rectify the issue as soon as possible.
Generally, avast detection is accurate in these cases.
Isn’t it an encrypted/obfuscated script or iframe?
Wasn’t the site hacked?
Please, edit the links to not-live ones (change http for hxxp, for instance or add spaces between the url).
Check here how to clean and make a website secure.
The vast majority of malware today is distributed over the web, mostly by means of hacked (otherwise legitimate) sites. The attacker usually injects malicious some scripts into some (or all) pages on the site, waiting for an unsuspecting user to visit the site and possible infect his/her machine.And this is where avast’s detection capabilities really excel. Its abilities to detect these web-based malicious scripts are second to none, and thanks to the Web Shield and Script Blocking providers, they are used exactly when needed, doing an excellent job stopping the web-based malware right on the entry point.
Not only avast flags it, also Bitdefender Traffic Light url scanner says it is unsafe,
see: http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showtopic=26497
suspicious activeX control id:
Also urlQuery gives
Reputation Suspicious [1/7]
Hi Guys,
Thanks for your fast reply. Really appreciated.
You’re correct, our WordPress blog was hacked in 2010.
We’ve removed the blog and all the malicious software immediately after the hack was executed.
Are we now safe…?? We’ve checked together with our hosting partner several times of there were still viruses or malicious scritps on our site/ webserver which is not the case concerning them and us.
How can we make sure Avast doesn’t block our site anymore?
Thanks for your time and assistance.
Kind regards,
Hi Guys,
Bitdefender removed the block on our website.
Could you guys please remove the block as well? Or are there still problems?
Thanks in advance.
Code d’Azur
There is a new on-line contact form, http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles for: * Sales inquiries; Technical issues; Website issues; Report false virus alert in file; Report false virus alert on website; Press (Media), issues.
Give the general details of the problem - Report that this is a Network Shield detection and can they please review the site. A link to this topic might also help.
this detection will be fixed in next VPS.
Hi Guys,
Really appreciated. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Nik (Code d’Azur)