XP and Zonealarm

My computer is windows XP home. I also run an older version of Zonealarm free. My question: Will I have problems when I update my Avast 5.0(free) to Avast 6.0 (free)
I have been waiting after reading that XP and Zonealarm firewall had issues with the new Avast 6.0

Thank you for your answers, in advance. Becky

Use the prerelease version if you are using ZA:


In theory, both programs could run side by side without conflicts.
Could you test and check if you have any trouble?

I am considering uninstalling Zonealarm free firewall and turning on the windows firewall. I know it only blocks, one way. I also have a hardware firewall turned on in my wireless router. Would I be protected with the hardware firewall and windows firewall?

I’m running avast and za on one computer with xp and one with windows 7 with no problems whatsoever if thats any help.

whitty, my zonealarm is an earlier version. Should I update zonealarm first?

You should keep your security software up-to-date as a general rule of thumb. Avast v6.0.1027 prerelease should fix the ZA compatibility issues on XP, don’t use older ones. If you don’t want to use prerelease versions, wait for next official release before updating to v6.

Thank you for your advice. When I do update. I will report back how it went. Becky

Short answer would be No you wouldn’t be fully protected. Most hardware router/firewalls only provide the same one way protection unless it specifically states it has outbound protection, I would say it is unlikely to do so.

Any malware that manages to get past your defences will have free reign to connect to the internet to either download more of the same, pass your personal data (sensitive or otherwise, user names, passwords, keylogger retrieved data, etc.) or open a backdoor to your computer, so outbound protection is essential.

So best to keep ZA firewall, though I feel there are better alternatives out there.

I’m using the latest version of za, and avast 6.0.1000 and never had any problem at all.

Rather depends on what OS you are using as this topic relates to XP and ZA; you don’t say what OS you are using.

I’m using xp on a desktop and windows 7 on a laptop.

My computer is Dell, XP, sp 3. Avast 5.0 free.

I will get the latest zonealarm installed before I install Avast 6.0. I will wait until Avast asks me to download Avast 6.0.

I do have a Dell netbook, XP, sp 3, windows firewall. Still has Avast 5.0, but up to date.

My mom’s EMachine computer, win XP, 64, sp3, windows firewall.

Thanks for all the advice. I appreciate it very much.

Just sorted a computer out for a family member.

XP Media Centre Edition SP3
Avast Free 6.0.1000
Zone Alarm Free

Especially problematic with Spotify plus general freezing.
Had to uninstall Spotify and Zone Alarm in Safe Mode,reinstall Spotify and Outpost Free firewall.
All OK now.


I use WIN XP HOME SP3    AVAST V 6.0.1027   ZAF V Working Good .

I haven’t had any problems at all. I have used avast and ZA for at least four years without a problem.

Thank you to everyone that gave me advice. Today I did some checking and decided to uninstall ZA(free) and I installed online Armor firewall(free).
I had scanned my computer with SAS and Malwarebytes(both free) and Avast 5.0 yesterday. All came back clean. In a few days I will install Avast 6.0, just making sure my new firewall is working without problems.

Avast forum is the best! Thank you everyone! Becky
I will report back after I update to Avast 6.0. :slight_smile:

I’ve got Windows XP SP3 and an older version of Zone Alarm (
I use IE8 and have Avast 6.0.1000 installed and I’m having no problems.

(I didn’t install the Web Rep and I have the Auto Sandbox turned off.)

LOL! I’m scared to death to install the 1021 or 1027 versions of avast. :o

OMG what a morning.
(On my Dell Desktop, win xp, sp3)This morning I got brave, first I turned off online armor firewall and clicked to update to 6.0.1000. When I restarted after the Avast install, I was locked out. Online Armor had stopped everything. About this time I was wishing I had stayed in bed. :cry:
I went in, safe mode and tried last good configuration, no success. restarted it a few times but no help. so went back in safe mode and chose to restore to earlier date. Thank goodness it gave me back so control.
Now I have uninstalled online armor after Avast 6.0.1000 put messages up that it was installed, refused the Web Rep and re-registered it.
Right now Avast 6.0.1000 seems to be working fine and Windows firewall is on.
I’d like to install the latest ZoneAlarm free firewall, because I understand it. But… I am afraid to do that at this time. Afraid the Avast 6.0 will mess up.
Any suggestions.

I'd like to install the latest ZoneAlarm free firewall, because I understand it. But... I am afraid to do that at this time. Afraid the Avast 6.0 will mess up. Any suggestions.

Will not mess it with 6.0.1035 - http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=74149.0