xp keeps rebooting

my xp pro computer keeps rebooting when i try starting it. It doesn’t even get as far as the log in screen, what can i do?

Every tried to use an other System restore point? Start in safe mode and choose a restore point on a day, you know that your XP till worked.

hi raman
it won’t boot in any mode -safe,last good configeration etc. just keeps restarting

how old is the PC ?
please describe installed hardware and Software
What did you change/install recently ?
did you check all cables and PC-Cards for proper hold ?

can you boot with XP-Setup-CD and at least see the files on drive C: ?

if so, run scandisk intensive/with surface&sector check
maybe also some RAM-test tools…

I booted with the XP cd and did the repair option and everything is fine now, thanks for your help.
Now I just have to figure out why it keeps freezing after installing windows updates!!!
Do I really need them?

You Should really install those updates, if you don’t know how to secure your PC properly otherwise…

Crashes/reboots: This is not normal behaviour…

but: LOTS of people experienced this after installing the security updates from April 2004: see google or PC-sites…
do you maybe have a cd/DVD-Writer ?
problems have been reported about crashes after XP-Update Ms04-011, especially if there are some CD-Writer-Drivers for direct access or similar involved… can you disable those ?

you might want to try downloading the Win-updates manually, and installing them in safe Mode

also beofre do a diskcleanup, scandisk & defrag, and reduce the amount of starting programs/unnecessary services… maybe this helps…

of look in the MS-Info about the updates, if there is a workaround