XP Netbook: nothing works

I knew that Avast coming up slowly or incorrectly might result in a problem. This morning after updating to latest frameworks
win update for XP none of my browsers would bring up sites, Avast will not work, MBAM will not run–in short othing works.
I do note something I haven’t seen before on the lower left screen with each try it says resolving hosts file. Has malware
hijacked my hosts file? Is it the update? Have googled and can’t find answers.

I am on another computer to write this as the netbook is useless. I need an EXPERT opinion to decide what to do. Don’t give me all the stuff about profiles etc. I am in the USA and I need help not more problems.
Donna in AR

David R where are you?

I rebooted, went to the event viewer and found that an MBAM hang seemingly caused all the problems.
I’ve run MBAM and Avast and no threats surfaced. Browsers are working again and all is well.

These netbooks are sensitive little creatures and I hope my findings will help someone else.

Well netbooks can be somewhat lacking on resources, so if you have MBAM pro resident, it and avast are going to be loading fairly early in the boot.

For me .net framework has been an unmitigated disaster with by far the worst windows updates ever, they are an absolute nightmare. I have one program that requires .net framework or I wouldn’t have it on my system at all.

I too have had issues with .net updates and it was very painful when I was on dial-up, getting a friend to download the packages for off-line update. I got all the way up to .net 4 installed and even then WU said I needed a .net update at about 60MB, I gave up and uninstalled every bit other than the old version 1.0 required for that single program.

Now I don’t know if .net was your problem, but you certainly have to manage what is run on a netbook if it is low on resources. It could however just have been a computer hiccup.

Everything seems to be OK now but the frameworks update is still a suspect. Windows updates have given me more headaches on my machines. Svc Pack 3 on my XP desk all but bricked it; now that I’ve stripped it even at five years old it runs beautifully.
Svc Pack 2 on Vista would not load for me and after reading online I figured that event was a message. My little netbook came
factory installed with 2 and 3. As I understand it only minor glitches can bring updates crashing down.
Thanks for replying,

as you see from my sig i am also running AIS and MBAM pro on a XP SP3 Lenovo netbook.
Not had one problem since install

Yes, but we are still waiting on Donna getting round to creating a profile signature so we can get an idea of her system spec rather than speculate ;D

Just for you David I now have a signature although it may not be what you are waiting on.