XP Pro 64 will not shut completely down ?

Hello group,

I have installed the home version on my Athlon 64 running XP Pro 64 Bit.
After I have done this, the system will not shut down properly most of the time.
When the problem occurs, the shutdown procedure seems to work ok, but after the last blue screen with the text “System is shutting down…please wait”, the screen is then turned off, but the disks and fans are still spinning. The only thing to do, is then to press the power button for 6 sec. to power off the system.
There are no error messages, and there are no loggings in the eventlog.
I have tried to make a script that terminates all Avast processes before the final shutdown command, but this does also not help.
Are there any clues here ?

Best regards


I’ve seen one similar report previously, but unfortunatelly we are not able to simulate the problem on our machines.
If you could send us a full dump of your system memory (at the moment when the system is “frozen” before the shutdown), it might help us to find the conflict. I am not sure whether it will be possible to initiate the dump that late in the shutdown process, but I’m afraid we cannot do anything without it.

So, if it’s not a problem for you (the dump will be rather big, even when compressed, so it assumes that you have a fast Internet connection), please see this thread for the description on how to create the dump. (The thread is old and covering a completely different problem, but the description still holds). When the dump is made, you can upload it to our anonymous FTP: [b]ftp://ftp.asw.cz/incoming[/b]. There are no “read” or “list” rights on the FTP, so you won’t see anything there (not even the file you upload), but we’ll get it.


There must be an explanation in your bios-settings for this, but I’m not an expert on these issues.
What usually works is downloading XP-antispy ( http://www.xp-antispy.org/ ) and tick the box at “enable fast-shutdown”.

Hope this works for you. ???

Hello Igor,

I just fried to create a memorydump, but unfortunately the system does not react to the keyboard anymore when the system hangs ?

Best regards,


One thing I forgot to ask - what keyboard do you have? Unfortunatelly, it doesn’t work with USB keyboards, only PS/2 (or DIN ;)).
You can try if the shortcut works during the normal Windows runtime (just make sure that you don’t have any unsaved work).

My keyboard is a Logitech usb keyboard connected to the PS2 port with the adapterplug supplied with the keyboard.
The dump generation works OK when initiated when windows is running - but does not work when the system crashes.

best regards


That’s bad… I’m afraid I’m out of ideas. Without the dump, it’s rather impossible to say what’s going on there. :-\

How did you try to terminate avast! processes? The recommended way to stop avast! service would be using net stop “avast! Antivirus” command…

Hello Igor,

My shutdown script goes like this:

net stop “avast! Antivirus” /y
net stop “avast! iAVS4 Control Service”
shutdown.exe -s -t 0

best regards


In that case, I really don’t have any advice for you, sorry :frowning:
It might be some kind of coflict between drivers (avast! and some other, for example), or something else… but it’s really hard to say without the dump.