Your computer is running slow

Hi,I need your help with this.
I keep getting the notice above,about my computer running slow.It promises to free up 1 GB of space after remedying the problems it noted.I AM SCARED TO MAKE THIS CHANGE,because it seems too radical and my computer,while could be faster.Win 7 Home Edition,download speed 15Mb per sec,but runs slower,so I don’t know what kind of changes one can expect after this clean-up.My questions are:Is this worth the risk?and by making a restore point before going on with it,CAN I RESTORE THE COMPUTER TO IT’S PREVIOUS STATE?Thank you for your help.I am a "strong"beginner,not savvy enough for this.

This is probably coming from avast’s Grimefighter component. If the files are not specifically identified I would
ignore the message and uninstall Grimefighter.

It’s not a security, component; it’s something avast is trying, but frankly, it appears to be similar
to much of the other dubious “make my PC faster” kinds of software that are out there.

To uninstall this component.
Control panel/programs and features/avast/change
deselect grimefighter

You will find the best answers in the Grimefighter section…

This is probably coming from avast's Grimefighter component........
a screenshot of the popup message would help

macko1944, if this helps you any I’m a +1 on (support) davexnet’s recommendation (initial topic reply). This is exactly what I did with similar circumstances.

That isn’t what the OP wants to know.
He wants to know if Grimefighter is safe to use.
Directing the OP to the appropriate support board will prove more helpful.

I humbly defer to your expertise Para-Noid, but then if you think about it the word “if” in the phrase “if this helps you…” first of all does nothing more than express an “opinion” that it would seem that macko1944 can take into consideration with whatever importance macko1944 so chooses and I would add that the word “if” used as a conjunction (which is the way it is used here) is defined as “in case that; granting or supposing that; on condition that” (and btw used as a noun is defined as “a supposition; uncertain possibility, a condition, requirement, or stipulation” hence similarly defined). So with this in mind, it would seem that I’m clearly not suggesting that my “opinion” (which is all I’ve offered) has any more or less relevance than any other post in this topic as to how much it might apply to what macko1944 is looking for. That said, you might also notice that macko1944 has stated the following "I am a “strong"beginner,not savvy enough for this.” which would suggest to me as well as I would presume anyone else with insight into the narrative expressed here that perhaps macko1944 would appreciate the opinion of those who can relate to the same experience as that of macko1944.

All this aside, I will certainly at this time highly recommend to macko1944 that your post with the link that you provide be very seriously considered as highly indispensable help as I totally agree with you that providing this resource is very helpful indeed. Of course I would presume that macko1944 would have most certainly already reached this conclusion regardless thus I feel you should be rest assured that your post will be taken very seriously as highly useful and at the same time it’s easily understood that my post is offering nothing more than an adjunct personal opinion to be taken with whatever importance one may want to attribute to it as they see fit.

@ lakrsrool

  1. I feel I must apologize since my above post did sound a little rude.

  2. I also realize and admit I don’t know as much about Grimefighter as I should.
    To resolve this I will be visiting the Grimefighter board more often than I currently do.
    One must never stop learning.

  3. With all due respect please learn to shorten your posts. “Short, sweet and to the point” is always best, especially on support forums such as this one.
    “Respect is not given. It is earned.”

Para-Noid, I appreciate very much your contrite apology. That said, no apologies necessary. I will say however that the one thing I find on this board more than most others I’ve seen is that there exists a tendency for some to make it a point to correct others as opposed to simply tying to assist with help in whatever ways a person can (let me be clear this statement is by no means intended to point fingers at all in any direction, but merely offering an observation).

And finally (to try and keep it concise) besides the fact that what you have had to say here is all well stated your last point is certainly something that I need to keep in mind and is an admitted issue for me personally I might add (as I’m sure many others would agree). :wink:

Hi macko1944, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Although Avast! advertises GrimeFighter ( the tool you are speaking off ) for novices/beginners, I don’t recommend it to those users for now.
You can uninstall it :

  1. Start - Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs - Avast! - Change.
  2. Change.
  3. Uncheck GrimeFighter.
  4. Continue.
  5. Reboot.

Greetz, Red.

Thank you all for taking the trouble to answer my post!Would thank individually if I could.For now,I just marked OFF the Grimefighter,which is listed in Settings/Tools.I hope that will do for now.

Did as advised:uninstalled Grimefighter as recommended.Thank you so very much all for your help!

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.