ZA and Avast Home incompatible issue need clarification please!!

Have ZA Free version, and when I
downloaded new v.4.6.665.0 and 4.6-691 Avast Home Free today July 24, 2005 it told me there is a conflict with the Webshield in Avast. Also what ‘privacy settings’ are those referred to.

I like both programs, and have used them both a for quite a while, and don’t want to change programs right now.

As I have not encountered any problems my questions is am I protected? What should I do to make them compatible? Can I?

Would really appreciate somebody clarifying this for me in a concise easily understandable way.

Thank you!!

This has been explained in several other threads already.
Please use the search option before asking.

HERE is just one of the many.

That clears it up. :slight_smile:


You can also check this for more detailed info about web shield, relating to ZA.

@ DavidR
Thank you very much for that additional information. Very helpful !!!

Thanks so very much.
