zeroaccess problem "essexboy" help me

I have exact problem like him

Window 7 stops on logo. rebooting with window 7 repair CD or USB stops at logo or errors (I cannot boot)
but Linux Knoppix or OTLPE CD works fine.
window safe mode stops always at aswRvrt.sys

I did followed what essexboy recommended and I am uploading OTL.txt file.
Plz help me~ Thank you in advance.

PS: I am using Avast pro version on window 7 64 bit

OK from the reatogo desktop select command prompt
Type in the following command and press enter :

chkdsk c: /r

On completion try a normal boot

I did checkdisk on C: not sure it is C though… When I see windows loaded on D: …
I am waiting to boot… logo is on and keep going.
Ho long should I wait ?? may be after lunch?

I guess It is not working Logo ~ forever…

Aargh I am an idiot who cannot read, it is actually E drive :-[

Make the command :

chkdsk e: /r

I am doing chkdsk on E: /r but I think it stopped on stage 4 of 5 26% completed. it is still 26%… is it possible?

How many physical drives are there ? One or two ?

one for window
the other for data which I divided to 2. thanks.

Could you disconnect the data drive and then try a reboot

I think HDD fail. I did overnight chksdk … did not work. I am putting new HDD see what happens. Thanks

Sorry about that

Got new HDD installed and window 7 also. Looks fine. Old HDD have sound “tick tick” I guess hardware problem. Thank you.

Aye the tick tick is the death watch beetle :slight_smile:

Finally I bought new HDDs for my old Dell T7400. First I tried SSD 250GB (OCZ)…but failed to boot. I realized that AHCI mode somehow does not support boot up?? it was Ok before. In BIOS set up >> Drive, I changed to SATA then booting problem solved. So a people who hangs system in aswRvrt.sys during safe mode should check AHCI or SATA mode. Long story to short reinstalling Windows I change back to AHCI mode it was fine and no problem of booting.

I was trying to get my system back by window system image (F8 during boot or window 7 CD >> repair system >> from system image) it keep generated error ~~. Later I have found out I made system image from 1TB HDD. In window repair (Stupid ~~~) image from 1TB can not be recovered to 250 GB SSD although actual data is less than 250GB. So I purchased 2TB HDD then realized that mother board only recognize 1TB. so I split the HDD into two 1TB using my laptop USB port.

Finally my system image was restored back to normal. Thank you so much essexboy.

In summary When you have booting problem (Dell T7400)

  1. check BIOS Drive setup ACHI to SATA
  2. Check HDD fail (click of death – Tick Tick)
  3. Always make windows system back up image in USB drive
  4. when you recover from it use a same size or bigger HDD.

Good luck on your trouble shooting~ I hope you all find right solutions in a seconds.

Unfortunately there are so many variables with this type of problem, from software through to hardware

Other checks would be to remove any second drives ; check Sata/Ide as you did : Run chkdsk plus there are probably more I am not yet aware of

Thank you for the data though