Zone Alarm Intrusions blocked problem

My downstairs one has intrusions blocked but my laptop does not. Its not the router bcause if it was the downstairs one would be at 0 also. Why is this happening and how can i fix it?

What is the problem, what intrusions, what is at 0 ?

Please expand, the more detailed information you give us the easier it is to offer help.

Are you talking about an actual intrusion or just the message from ZA stating that an intrusion attempt has been blocked ???

If it’s the latter, simply turn of the notification so that it doesn’t constantly pop up.
Intrusion attempts are normal. That’s the reason why you should be using your Firewall. Being notified each time one occurs, is annoying
and something you don’t have to see.

the thing that tells you how many things have been blocked the intrusion has been blocked pop ups are working fine


Could it be that one computer is the gateway to the internet and blocking intrusions, and the other is connecting to that computer as part of the trusted Zone?

I don’t know when i had mcafee it blocked intrusions.

I don’t know if this is what’s happening on your computer, but sometimes if you’re watching streaming video the content provider will attempt to scan your computer to determine processor speed, etc. This is done in order to stream as much date as you can handle without locking you up. This will normally pass your hardware firewall (router) but I’ve noticed Zone Alarm will often log it as an intrusion attempt.

Take a look at the firewall log to see if the sites listed seem familiar.