Zone Alarm

After updating Zone Alarm, I keep receiving a blue screen stating that there was a program trying to start and Windows XP prevent it from starting, now I forgot the name of that program but it had “NoPage” in it’s name or something like that. I removed Zone Alarm (using Windows Firewall for the moment) and I haven’t received any blue screen anymore. I ran Hijackthis and Spybot but didn’t detect anything. Did anyone else got this problem after updating their Zone Alarm? ???

New note: Went back to 6.0.631.003 and everything is fine, must be the new version that causes the problem.

No probs here running ZoneAlarm Pro version:6.0.667.000

No problems here either, latest version installed and running better than ever !

Fixer, try to completely uninstall ZA (I mean totally, clean Registry as well), and then reinstall it from the scratch.

Sasha, that’s what I did, I unistal Zone Alarm, clean my PC for any remains and still got this problem. For now, I’m gonna stick with the old version. I don’t think I wanna reply to Zone Alarm forum anymore cause the last time I ask for assitance (which was a month ago) none of them responded. :cry:

Strange, I installed it on top of the old one and have no problems.
I did get a pop-up message during the install telling me that it found Google Desktop Search
on my computer and wanted me to shut it dow if it was running. Since it’s not being used and not resident,
I just continued with the install.


I have come across a very similar problem you have but my problem was a bit different when I update the ZA Free v6.0.631.003 to v6.0.667.000.

What happen was the normal uninstall ZA way didn’t shut down ZA before updating, when I install the new version my ZA went crazy didn’t work well.

The automatic ZA uninstall from the control panel section didn’t shut down ZA properly, so I had to do it the old way and it works.

Follow my instruction.

  1. Before updating the new version of ZA manual shut down ZA first, by dragging your mouse to the bottom right corner of your screen where the clock is located and you see a ZA icon. Left click over the ZA icon manual shut down ZA dead.

  2. Then goto the control panel section to uninstall ZA, depending on what OS you have to uninstall the ZA software. It will ask you to reboot your PC, please reboot.

  3. MS will popup a warning that you don’t have your firewall enable or turn on, MS will automatically turn on the window firewall. You need to manual shut MS Window firewall and don’t worry about the MS security popup message.

  4. Goto to harddrive into program files directory right down bottom and manual delete ZA directory, and you don’t really need to clean the ZA windows register.

  5. Okay you can go ahead an install the new version of ZA.

My works like magic.

Thanks Speedy for this tip, I’ll look forward trying it and see if it works . :slight_smile:

Turkey have you solved your problem

Not yet since I’m very busy, but I’ll try it when I have plenty of time. ;D

Speedy I tried your way but I still get the same problem, but thanks for your generous help; this new Zone Alarm update is driving me nuts and wasted alot of my time. I’m gonna stick with the old version until Zone Lab respond to this issue since people already complain about it. :slight_smile:

I had the same problem after installing zonealarm, got a blue screen, after that, i just removed it and used sygate instead.

Zonealarm has a forum addressing issues with the new version 6.

Turkey I have forgot to tell you turn off ZA Automatic update there was a small bug! when I update the new version, I don’t understand why your getting problem and I’m not.

My ZA free version is running smooth as a baby
with my Avast Home Edition.

Turkey I believe your is “PEBKAC!”


I cannot think anything to resolved your problem all you can do is

Go outside and have
and try and workout how did you go wrong behind the computer.

ZA Forun can be found HERE

I’ve had no problem with updating to ZA v6.0.667.000. free.
It seems that with program updates there can be a small % of people who have problems.
It is time consuming, and generally if in doubt I’ll go back to the previous version which worked, till time permits further investigation. I’m using ZA v6.0.667.000. , with Avast! Home , and no probs on WinXP or '98 SE.

So far no problem here. Did a clean install and not seeing anything wronge thankfully.

After reading the information here, I decided to update to the latest version. I have never done a clean install as I like to just keep the settings I have. The install went smoothly, but after about 5 minutes of use there was a crash and message that machine had recovered from major trouble. I sent the info to MS and was sent to their site to read an article saying one of the reasons for a crash had to do with a driver of a new firewall. This happened twice. I then uninstalled and installed my earlier version.

I updated to the new “final” (as opposed to beta) .667 this morning, with no major programs. My only real objection is that this time around (or maybe in the past too, but didn’t notice it then) they strongly urge a “clean install”, which means program permissions and other settings have to be done from scratch.

New version doesn’t (yet) seem to recognize Cookie Pal, simply blocked it without even asking (and it’s not even on the program list as blocked, oddly), I had to add it manually. Not a big deal while browsing, since I use Firefox anyway, but CP also handles cookies set up by other internet-related apps like Eudora, ICQ, etc.

i know what you could do…
uninstall za , reboot ( if you need to ) , run windows for a while if the blue screen still comes on ( if you want to use a firewall while seeing if the blue screen comes back on there’s always which is free) , if the blue screen comes on i dont know but … i had a blue screen come on before and its real annoying because you can’t exit it like you can on win95/win98.

Ricky, this is a bug from the latest Zone Alarm update, I’ve confronted with this thing for 4-6 hours and I’m not gonna waste anymore time on this thing until I get some response from Zone Lab. For now I’m sticking with the early version until someone from Zone Lab respond. Thanks for your help though. :slight_smile: