Warning from Web Shield (FileRepMetagen[Adw]),but download has finished successfully,maybe because I blocked OpenCandy website
with Avast website blocking.
Yes,I know MBAM is not latest version,but I just updated database and version 1.75 is working fine.
I’ll wait for a few more weeks before I update MBAM because there are still some bugs.
I need definitive answer if this is FP.I’ve searched online and I didn’t find anything wrong about Zoom Player 9.0 installer.It is
offered everywhere and there is nothing in the comments about adware or about other AV blocking the download of the installer.
BTW,now File System Shield is also blocking some file in AppData/Local/Temp during downloading of the installer.
I already tried to send file to Avast here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?subject=VIRUS-FILE
but I don’t know if it was received because when I checked site was blank.
I don’t have installer anymore and I cannot send it again.
Zoom Player Home Free 9.0.0 :