I’m on XP Home SP3, running Avast free 7.0.1466.
Often, updates are performed while my screensaver is running, so I don’t see the update popups.
Sometimes, when I’m working on my computer, and the screensaver ist NOT running,
I get these green update popups combined with advertising messages.
Strangely, those ads don’t appear each time.
But sound is ok, i.e. no double messages.
I can’t post a screenshot, because “Show last popup” is grayed out right now
and because the last popup I saw was without an ad anyway.
Advertising in the settings window of Avast is ok for me, but absolutely not in the popups.
Pleeeease, Avast developers, stop this or tell me what I can do to get rid of these terribly annoying ads?
The ad isn’t going away. People have been complaining about if for a long time now. You’ll have to a) live with it, b) disable that slider, c) use sound only, or d) check definition version manually. But personally, I have a feeling we’re gonna be seeing a lot more advertising, not less.
I’m not 100% positive it’s possible, but you can try disabling the definition update slider: Settings>Updates>Details>Show notification update after automatic update. Keep sound enabled and see what happens. It may not work but you could try it.
I once disabled the slider, but as far as I remember, there was no sound either.
Not quite sure about that though…
I quess, I should try once more to verify.
Since avast gets all of their “paid” subscriptions by word of mouth and not by pre-installing their products I see no harm with advertisements. They do have a right to make a profit. Try GUI>Settings>Pop-Ups. Or Settings>Community
There is one line of thought I see and that is when I go anywhere I am bombarded by advertising. Be it billboards, or signs of any kind.
If the pop-up bugs you that much click on the “x” in the upper right corner of the pop-up to close it. Like I said avast has a right to make a profit. A pop-up is a very tiny price to pay for the superior protection that avast offers.
Sorry, to disagree but Avast has ads in the GUI already and no-one complains about that.
But those ads in the GUI should be enough.
Additional ads in the popups, that’s no advertising, that’s just begging and terribly annoying.
And as long as I get annoyed like this, I would never ever consider to pay for this or any other product doing the same.
Nowadays you get bombarded with ads everywhere, so massively, that it’s driving you totally nuts. >:(
I have no problem with the current type of Ads in the free version.
But I would expect the paid version to be ad-free.
If the ads get a fraction as bad as some free software providers-companies had gotten (NetZero) back in the 90’s (before the dot com bubble burst), then I would also move away from Avast.
I just remembered, I set the number of seconds on my popup ads…
For Green and Blue I set them to a few seconds, and set the Sounds for all events except Auto-update.
Red and Orange popups are 999 seconds. (which I hope means never auto hide)
This works in Avast 7 for me.
You should only ever see the popup ads once maybe every couple of months and there placed there for the users that never open the GUI, there are some ads that contain a checkbox which you tick to never show again and any others you can set to a shorter time period or simply X out of it.
…and that’s the problem, because you have to do something to get rid of these ads.
That doesn’t happen in the GUI.
Why would you never open the GUI?
At least, if you want to check the version of the installed virus definitions or the one of the program, you will open it for sure.
Sure, you are right that Avast has a right to make a profit. Don’t be surprised if people get fed up with the ads though and move on to a new solution. I get Avast advertising pop up twice a day, one on top of the other. I used to participate in the Avast community (via GUI settings), but if I’m going to be annoyed in such a manner then screw that. I consider letting Avast collect anonymous statistics in return for me using their freeware acceptable, I don’t consider being bombarded with ads acceptable.