i’ve recently troubleshoot, that my avast internet security is the reason of the DNS blockage.
It works fine the browser when I deactivated the shield…
but if i get them back on, the problem persists; - my internet is working fine - dns arent working properly (windows error solver says it )
i’ve got window 10
what can I do ? i’m starting to run out of ideas…without paying an antivirus but having to disable it completey…
thanks for your help and time.
avast internet security payed version.
version 19.5.2378 (compilación 19.5.4444.497)
windows 10 , 64 bitx.
it blocks the DNS. i try to use a browser as explained. Chrome/mozzilla. but the translation of domain isn’t done.
I apply the network problem solver, and says it’s the DNS aren’t working properly.
I’ve troubleshoot, changing all the DNS servers, looked all the options online etc. All not working , except deactivating avast shield.
So unitil i’ve arrived to this problem that avast internet security had this problem and was fixed by some update…(forum data)
then I’ve troubleshoot it that this blockage ends when I disable the shields, some solution pages from avast user adviced to disable one by one shield and check which one is generating this trouble…
So I want to know if there is any solution without having to disable the shields.
because it’s clearly the avast.
it works perfectly when I disable all shields.
Sometimes I think i’ve “troubleshoot” that the surfing DNS works perfect when only the WEB SHIELD is disabled…but some other times doens,t and need to disable all shield…
i surf a web page (ex: this forum)
everytime I refresh but the shields are on. I get a DNS problems.
Down in mozzilla or chrome bottom left bar shows “negotating TLS www.blabla…”
and then it just doesn’t load.
as soon as I deactivate all shield, everything works perfectly again…
this is abit frustrating hahah
to have a antivirus and having to disable it all the time to browser online…
been using avast and secure line for almost 3 years.
Sometimes it used to happend this DNS problem…but after rebooting and “letting pass time”… always ended up fixing.
I always thought it was the ISP, since i’m in Thailand travelling/living right now, and THAI goverment controls some websites etc…i was with the paranoia it was the ISP sometimes fucking around…
i would just like to confirm this.it keeps happening to me and the only thing that works is disable the shields.
just an update.turned off firewall and problem went away until they came back on.then my vpn would not connect until i disabled all shields again.definately something not right with this update.i have had this problem all weekend.definately something with the shields just turned on anti exploint and wbshield and it happened again.disable shields and working again
Thank you for reporting the issue.
Could you please help us with investigation by providing some data?
Please enable debug logging (Menu > Settings > General > Troubleshooting > Enable debug logging)
Reproduce the issue (when DNS is not working).
Create a support package (https://support.avast.com/en-eu/article/Submit-support-file) and post the ID here. If the support package does not work for you, could you please zip whole log folder located in C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log and send it directly to me?