error 0000A474


I am using windowsXP with SP2
Avast program 4.6.731
VPS 0547-5

Every web page I go to I keep getting error 0000A474, in Avast log viewer and windows event viewer
I have used the search function and tried what was stated in the other posts with this problem didn’t work.

I think this only started after I upgraded to the latest version of Avast. Not 100% sure.

Windows Event Viewer
AAVM-Scanning errorx:_AavmCheckFileDirectx AvfilesScanReal of http//update microsoft com/microsoftupdate/v61 footer.aspx? In=en-us failed,0000A474

AAVM-Scanning errorx:_AavmCheckFileDirectx AvfilesScanReal of htm& code= shower event & id=19980 failed,0000A474

I would like to know if my system is still being completely protected by Avast, and thanks for any help.


I hope this is only verbose of the logs and you’re safe… because I have the same events here… lots of them…
Are they ok? Can anybody from Alwil say something?

Thanks for your reply Tech, I am also hoping you are right about the logs.


Hi again

I am getting concerned as I am still getting error 0000A474 with every web page I visit.

I tried what was said in this link but to no avail and some of the comments in it is worrying.

Can anyone from Alwil please let me know if I have a major problem or am I just being a pain and have nothing to worry about.

Sorry for re-asking the question
Cheers and thanks in advance of to do a on-line scan.

Does the problem happen even if you restart the machine?

Hi Vlk

Yes it does I have rebooted several times.

By the way I have just finished doing virus on-line scan (Kaspersky) and everything came up clean.

So i would assume Avast is still protecting me.


Could you please ZIP up the whole avast folder and upload it to ??
I’d like to try to simulate the problem on our machine…


Do you mean the Avast folder in programs only.
I have zipped the folder it is just over 20mb, to upload this is going to take a long time as i am on dial up.
My ignorance is showing now , I can zip it but not sure how to upload it :-[

Yes, I mean the C:\Program Files\ALWIL Software\Avast4 folder.
To “upload” it, simply click the link above, and copy’n’paste the ZIP file to the opened “folder” (or drag’n’drop, if you prefer) :slight_smile:

Name the file something like Also please note that you don’t have READ access to the FTP server - just write - meaning that you’ll be able to upload the file, but won’t see it there after the upload process completes. :slight_smile:


Thanks Vlk

I will try to upload it tonight or tommorrow .


crofty59 & Tech,

did these events begin to appear in your logs recently?

For the record I am not seeing any such events (either before or with the new release of avast).

Thanks crofty59, the sooner you upload it the sooner we will be able to look at it and eventually come up with a solution.


Hi alanrf
Yes I think they only started after the latest version of Avast not 100% certain

I am uploading it right now and should finish in about 2 hours 20 minutes
I have labled it like you suggested avast crofty59 zip


I see it coming… although there are already like 4 copies? :slight_smile:

hi Vlk

Yea i know i was disconnect twice (dial up) and i went to minimise but hit the x instead.

So far so good with this one 1 hour 24minutes to go


Yeah, it’s coming. What is the size of the file? Sounds sort of long time, even for a dial-up.



Around 20 MB zipped

This is the folder C:\Program Files\ALWIL Software\Avast4 folder.


Hi again Vlk

At last it has uploaded, hope you got what you were after Vlk.

Hopefully this will help you


Looks good. Thanks a lot!

No Worries Vlk
I should be thanking you as you are trying to work out my problem.
