[FIXED] [VBS: Malware Gen] False positives Vir. def: 170221-1 22.2.2017 0:08:41

FIXED: VPS 170222-0 is already out and fixes this false positive. Moroni

UPDATE: This False Positive detection should be fixed very soon with a new vps update. Moroni

Today i had 2 virus alerts from safe sites. One was xchat.cz and second on google.cz What happens? Cant belive this is real virus. Thanks

UPDATE: Not only those sites! Also if i run FULL SCAN, thousands of files are detected as virus! Can u imagine what happen if some user delete those files and no more boot up PC? This is unacceptable! Thank you avast. This is not first time i see that huge mistake in your products.

UPDATE 2: Thanks for fix, everything is ok now.

OMG, if i run full scan, thousands of infected items. This is real?

I got random virus alerts from twitch.tv or other random well know website like neogaf forum.

Try do full scan, you wil lbe surprised how avast detect all your files in computer as virus.

I’m getting the same VBS alert as well. It just started around 2 hours ago when I got on my computer.

No biggy, everyone using avast right now may have random report, using their browser. May be fix later today, i guess.

Avast lose customers due this. Too much bsods, too much false positives. This is not first time…

I’m also getting this exact problem on random websites I go to, roughly every five minutes. I scanned my computer with avast, roguekiller, malwarebytes and several others and none found anything either.

I’m on a Mac and today I am getting a similar result - 500+ “VBS:Malware-gen” identifications and the deep scan is only 50% done.

Sounds like this is some kind of erroneous detection going on today.

Glad I’m not the only one.

Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

Ran into it via Opera. I hope this gets fixed soon.

Omg same here, i thought it was a virus coz i was upgrading some drivers…I wasted 3 hours trying to undestand if it was really a virus or just a bug of avast

I am getting the same thing. It’s been driving me nuts and I even uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome. Looks like it’s an Avast issue, hope it gets fixed soon.

Getting Malware blocked pop-ups for Twitch. Ran varies scans except Avast’s after reading the 1000’s of flagged item reports. Something is flagged incorrectly in these definitions.

This is a colossal stuff up that is effecting everyone with Avast Antivirus what is going on???

Come on Avast I’ve been recommending you since 2006 Vista days don’t make me look bad. :frowning:

Same here, have 2 devices with Avast and both got alerted by Steam
I hope this is a false positive.

Hi guys, I reported it.

Thanks! I figured it was a false alarm. Funny thing is that opening this thread, Avast alerted to VBS:Malware-gen!

I have Avast on 2 computers: my desktop and my laptop. I’m getting the same issue on my desktop, I put it into silent mode so it won’t bug me to death, but I do hope they fix this soon otherwise I may have to find another AV for the time being. My laptop I haven’t updated yet and I think I will continue to refrain from doing so until I know this is fixed.

Ugh. I foolishly made everything a giant mess because of the stupid false positives. Well. That was my bad and I’ll own it. But I’m not renewing my Avast subscription next month. :\