Got charged by DRI*Avast Software even though I did not oder anything

I was recently given a pending charge of $34.99 on 6/15 which later fully charged on the 16th. I don’t even know why they charged me with this, I did not order anything. I did not even get a email for the receipt of whatever they charge me with. I have sent a message to Avast to see if I could fix this before I have to take this problem to my bank but so far I have not gotten a reply from Avast.

Most likely you have the auto-renewal enabled.
You should have gotten 3 mails before the auto-renewal took place.

As has been explained many time, avast is trying to handle tickets within 10 business days.
You just have to be patience after submitting a ticket.

How did they get your payment details if you didn’t order anything ?

Did you use the 60 day trial of one of the avast products ?
If you did you would have had to complete a payment instruction, which would have been actioned after the 60 days.

You need to submit a Support Ticket - Try the following:

If you use the LoGIN option at the top of the Page first, you should be able to use your forum/ login details.

I did not get an email about the charge from Avast or from DIGITAL RIVER. The only time I ever used Digital River to order anything from them was 2 years ago about a 1 month subscription to The Secure VPN which has long been cancelled and the auto renewal was disabled as well, there was nothing on the order list besides that too.

I have also just found a charge of NZ$39.99 on my bank statement from DRI*avast.
17th June 2015.

A google search shows its a scam.

I never ordered anything from anyone and havent used my debit card in 3 months on line.

I was hit a week ago by delta-homes but an IT friend tells me it was removed.


Please copy/paste the content of the mail here.
Ofcourse remove your personal details from it.

Also post the google search here where it says that it is a scam.

Not sure what you mean by the ‘mail’ but here is the link to others who have had issues.

Thats some.
If this is some part of Avast and not a scam, I want to know how it got my debit card numbers as I have never inputted them into Avast or authorised any payments. I have only ever used the free Avast.


Am guessing by ‘mail’ you thought I recieved an email.
I didnt.
The charge just appeared on my bank statement and had been taken out.
There was no invoice or correspondence send to my email just ‘DRI*Avast’ showing on my bank statement with the deduction of $39.99.

That in itself was interesting as it was NZ$.

The post on those links mean nothing.
I only see posts from people who don’t know how things are working.

Has anyone already asked Digital River ?

Those posts mean a great deal as do many more.
That there are a great many people out there who have had money removed from them, which they did not authorise.

There by there is a scam.

I am getting the impression from you that there maybe a legitimate company named Digital River. (DRI) I have no idea.
What I do know is that a organisation deducted $39.99 from my bank account.
I never authorised it.
I never gave them my bank card details.
The name of the organisation showing on my bank statement was DRI*Avast.
I was scamed.

I had no idea DRI refers to Digital River until I came here so why would I contact them?
I had no means to or reason to.
Excuse me for being a little hesitant in contacting them as I dont wish to be scammed again.
How will I know if I am speaking to the legitimate DRIAvast or the scammer DRIAvast?

DRIAvast is a scam and if infact there is a legitimate DRIAvast then hopefully they are seriously looking into someone using their name and damaging their reputation. If DRI*Avast is connected to Avast, then I would hope Avast are up dating their free software to watch for this.
Thanks for your help.

No, those post only show that people don’t read/inform themselfs before doing/buying something.
And if something goes wrong in their opinion they point the finger to others while they should point it to theirselfs.

DRI = Digital River, one of the two companies that handle financial transactions for avast.
The other company is Nexway.

avast nor those two companies are scamming anyone.
I am about 100% sure that it is a legitimate transaction.

Well we disagree and if you have input with avast or DRI, you are trying to protect them and blame the people with complaints.

Many of those are in similar boat to myself.

They have had deductions made from their accounts they claim they didnt authorise.

In my own instance.

I didnt read is right because I never ordered anything.
I have never supplied avast with my debit card details. EVER.

I am actually believing from you that Digital River is a legit company but some how another organisation has found away to access avast and my computer. Is showing themselves as avast and charging using the name DRI*Avast.

I have never given my debit card details to avast or DRI*Avast.
I have never used my debit card on this pc in 6 months and never saved my debit card details on a pc.

There are lots of people out there on the net claiming they have been charged incorrectly by an organisation showing as DRI*Avast.
I still have only free Avast and have recieved nothing for the charge.

There is a problem.

No, I am not trying to protect them.

they claim they didnt authorise
But they never showed prove that they didn't.
There are lots of people out there on the net claiming they have been charged incorrectly by an organisation showing as DRI*Avast.
So far I never haven't seen any of them showing prove they where charged incorrectly.

Contact Digital River and ask them if they charged you and if they did for what.

Eddy, sorry but you are so funny.
How do I show proof that I didnt authorise any charge?
I have had no contact with them.
The others will be in the same boat.
We cant show proof we never authorised a payment when we have never had any contact.

I did go to the site you put a link up to.
They want my email addy and the last 5 digits of my credit card transaction.
Forgive me but I am loathe to give those to them.
Wonder why?

There is no other way for me to contact them.

I have been to the bank and the transaction is being reversed.

As I had Free Avast and this happened on their watch, I am now considering other protection.

All this isnt really going to worry me as I will get my money back am sure.

I came here as a courtesy to inform Avast.
If they choose to ignore it and the other complaints appearing on line, that is up to them.

So please tell me how I prove I never ordered anything from them.
This should be interesting.

No they do not want the 5 digits of your creditcard.
There are 3(!) email addresses there that you can use.

There are 3 email addresses to their sales departments. That is sales.

The way they want you to go to complaints about a charge on your credit card takes you to where you need to input your email address and the last 5 digits of your credit card.

I actually find it interesting that they state "Do you have a question about a purchase or a charge on your credit card? "
This suggests to me, this happens a lot.

Now back to my question to you.
How do I offer proof that I never ordered anything?

Is it really that hard for you to send a email to one of the mail addresses mentioned ?
Come on!

Is it really that hard for you to tell me how to prove I never ordered anything?
To prove I never gave my credit card details?

Why do I need to email their sales department?
I dont wish to buy anything from them.

I posted here to make Avast aware.
They can contact me if they wish or choose to ignore it.
You are defending them and attempting to discredit those who are saying on the net there is a problem.
Clearly there is a problem. I am not the only one who has stated this.

If Avast wishes to address it or bury their head in the sand, that is up to them.

Eddy, do you represent Avast?

The email addresses are not just their sales department.
They are for everything.

As I said before, I am not defending them.
I am trying to help you.

First thing to do is check if it was indeed Digital River or not.
If we know that, we are one step further.
So far you are only running around in circles.
Please stop doing it and contact Digital River.

Hi racheal_storm :slight_smile:

If you have never authorised a payment to Avast, or given your creditcard details, than there is no issue with Avast.
That Eddy is trying to help you, is something that you should decide you appreciate, or not.

Greetz, Red.