HPE 520 sc win7 64kb stopped to work - safemode does not work


i do have the same issue than many others - last driver i can see successfully installed in “safe mode” is avast driver aswrvrt.sys. i cannot boot my PC at all and no recovery options work.

HD is ok, i’ve checked that in another PC. i do have so many configurations made in my PC thus i really want to get that back alive.

what are the 64kb instructions? in top of thie forlder there is instructions to start new thread.

should i just start with this: http://oldtimer.geekstogo.com/OTLPENet.exe ?

Really appreciate your feedback!


…and HP recovery tool says that cannot fix due to Virus-applicaiton ( i do have avast free).

that’s why i’m here…

i burned otlpenet.exe - booted from cd but it stops (BSOD). screen shows that Windows XP (i do have Win7 64b) but then comes blue screen with:

*** STOP: 0x0000007B

any idea?

Download the following three programmes to your desktop :

  1. Rufus

For 64bit systems
2. Windows 7 64bit RC I will PM the download link
3. Farbar Recovery Scan Tool x64

Insert the USB stick Then run Rufus


Select the ISO file on the desktop via the ISO icon.

Press Start Burn

Then copy FRST to the same USB


Insert the USB into the sick computer and start the computer. First ensuring that the system is set to boot from USB
Note: If you are not sure how to do that follow the instructions Here

Windows 7 and Vista screenshots

When you reboot you will see this.
Click repair my computer


Select your operating system


Select Command prompt


At the command prompt type the following :

notepad and press Enter.
The notepad opens. Under File menu select Open.
Select “Computer” and find your flash drive letter and close the notepad.
In the command window type e:\frst64.exe or e:\frst.exe dependant on system
and press Enter
Note: Replace letter e with the drive letter of your flash drive.
The tool will start to run.
When the tool opens click Yes to disclaimer.


Press Scan button.
It will make a log (FRST.txt) on the flash drive. Please copy and paste it to your reply.


Download the attached fixlist to the same location (USB) as FRST
Start FRST as before then press fix
On completion try a normal boot

not yet worked. same BSOD.

fixlog.txt enclosed

I ran the frst again and new frst.txt enclosed.

in safe mode i can see that now the las success full driver is classpnp.sys.

Do you have a windows CD ? As this is actually a system error

The most common cause is the executing PnP (Plug and Play) and ACPI routines issue.
To fix the issue, we need to access the computer from Recovery Console.

If you do have your Windows CD

Windows 7 and Vista screenshots

When you reboot you will see this.
Click repair my computer


Select your operating system


Select Command prompt


At the command prompt type the following :

Type map and press enter.
It will give you the drive letters.
Note down the letter of your CD-ROM./USB
If it is a letter other than E you should replace the letter E with your CD drive letter when applying the expand command later on if the command is needed to be applied.

Type following commmands, pressing Enter after each one.

[*]ren c:\windows\system32\drivers\atapi.sys atapi.old
(It will returns to the prompt again without notification)
[*]copy c:\windows\servicepackfiles\i386\atapi.sys c:\windows\system32\drivers
(If you get a notification “1 file(s) copied” you don’t need to do the next expand command and go to exit command. But if you get notification that the file doesn’t exist proceed with expand command)[*]expand e:\I386\atapi.sy_ c:\windows\system32\drivers
(You should be notified that the file expanded)[*]exit

You may remove the CD or let Windows boot normally.

no, i don’t have any windows CD’s. PC was plug and play. i only have some recovery partition on HD.

i hope you have instructions also “if you don’t have your Windows CD…”

should i try to follow instructions and try to access http://artellos.com/arcdc-page?

or is there another way for WIN 7 to create needed disk? my sick Pc is Win7 64k and another Win7 32k.

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope!


Unfortunately that is for XP only Artellos has not created one for Win 7.

That was what my last attempted fix was based on

I am just starting my VM and I will extract the atapi.sys for that system

https://www.dropbox.com/s/jrr6zzc2xd8qmyk/atapi.sys?dl=0 this is the link for a 64bit windows 7 atapi.sys

i’m in my uncomfortable zone.
i.e. i should

rename existing atapi.sys
copy this new atapi.sys to drivers folder

what next?

Reboot and the new version will take over


was not atapi.sys. same classpnp.sys is the last successfully loaded driver in safe mode and then BSOD.

***STOP: 000000F4


Could you remove and replace the CMOS battery


battery replaced - still same phase. classpnp.sys is the last successfully loaded driver in safe mode and then BSOD. (F4)

it’s not random, it will stop always while loading same driver while booting.

hopefully yo still are able to help me. i don’t want to touch those recovery points, coz i know you removed something. was that infected, or just to eliminate Avast? you think it still can be infected?

There was no infection, lets now try to reset the registry to the last one that worked

Download the attached fixlist.txt to the same location as FRST
Start FRST as before and press fix
Once done try a normal boor


however, something is maybe missing, for example in Start-menu application icons are missing (there is only standard folder picture visible). and

is there some common guidance what i need to do still in order to get everything back? can i install avast again?

should i change time and date back in BIOS (battery replacement).

i soooo much thank you already!
