Last few days I can’t get to
Anyone else too?
Last few days I can’t get to
Anyone else too?
No problem here, though the site is not up to much as its data can be very old. So if checking for a sites security it could be massively out of date and the siteadvisor link scanner is equally dated so can’t be relied on.
My brother, who is using the same internet provider as I do, says that he can acess this site and that I might have something blocked. I’m using Mozilla Firefox 3.5.2 under Windows XP. Where and how can I un-block this? Can you please help me?
Seems ok here on Vista and Firefox.
Are you using a non-default hosts file?
The site works fine for me with IE8.
I agree with DavidR and as a previous McAfee SiteAdvisor user it is next to useless and even rates sites with known malware as safe.
What is your operating system and Service Pack level so that the correct location of the HOSTS file can be provided. localhost
What could be wrong?
PS: Which site do you recommend since is outdated? Thank you!
Nothing, it’s ok.
Does Finjan’s site have a search option (like has) where you can enter a site’s name and then it tells you it it’s safe?
And I’m still worried why I can’t access while everyone else can. What else should I check besides hosts file? I’m 99% not infected (I scanned the system with Avast, MBAM and SAS in normal and safe mode) and my PC is working fine. Please help.
Thank you! Is there any more sites like this one? I think Google has something like that too?
And what do you think about me not accessing site? Any ideas?
Thank you again!
PS: I just found another “site advisor”: Norton Safe Web - do you know if it’s any good?
You can scan a suspicious url against this:
and also against:
I don’t know about Norton one.
Did you use any immunizator software (like SpyBot, Spyware Blaster, iObit one…)?
I don’t really know what is immunizator software. Programs I’m using are: SpywareBlaster, CCleaner, SAS, MBAM and Avast. Maybe it’s SpywareBlaster, but I disabled it’s protection and then tried to access the site - with no success.
Thank you for the additional links!
Open a command window and write down:
Is the site reached?
No, it says “Request timed out.” three times and that’s it.
So, problem is not avast, problem is not your browser.
Do you use any other filter?
It’s strange, I’ve pinged the site and all packets reached it.
No, I don’t use anything else as I know. That problem emerged some 10 days ago or so, and that’s the only site I can’t reach. What else it could be?
I’m empty… no further guess…
Maybe it could be a dns problem.Try switching to opendns and see if that helps
I know nothing about DNS related stuff. Is is safe to change that? Maybe I’ll just forget about SiteAdvisor, I don’t need it anyway, since it’s outdated.
Thank you all for all the help!
Yes,it is safe to change the dns.