Mozilla products security threats and new versions

Hi all,

I’ve been away from the computer for a couple of days, so I don’t know if a thread has been started on this, but I had a quick look and can’t find one.

The actual issue is a dash beyond my understanding, but I’ll put the information here and you can make up your own mind.

threat details:,1759,1621463,00.asp

new versions and threat details:

For further explication, I guess visit the mozilla forums.

I won’t be installing the patch or update until I see how others fare with them.


Though I do not use Mozilla, I saw this and thought of my friends here who do use it. Check this link below for more information :

It seems you are most at risk if you are using Windows XP OS. :frowning:

Updated Mozilla to 1.7.1 no problems

All this does is prove the point that if you surf the net, there is always a possibility of an attack. Even if you don’t use IE…

Firefox update 9.2+ Thunderbird 7.2
Make sure you are running the latest builds.
Kids with too much time on their hands is the biggest problem besides sloppy codeing.

And someone in these forums said: “IE - yuck !!! Security issues, so many updates…”

Same thing’s gonna happen to Mozilla, just wait… wheter we like it or not, most people still uses IE, and that is great target for hackers… when everybody switch to Mozilla/Firebird, it will be the same…

Then it’ll be out turn to say I told you so… I wish there was a better way. But, until you find a way to change human nature, sombody will always get their kicks out of making others miserable.

Thanks for the information Chameleon, I hadn’t seen anything about the Mozilla patch before reading your post.

I suppose I have been guilty of being too complacent about the virtues of Firefox security compared with IE and therefore not looking for any issues … should have known better!

The only thing Sasha, is that this security issue is related to windows and not Mozilla. ie Mozilla haven’t got this security issue on linux or Mac. Again Bill gates is the origin of this >:(

Has anyone updated to the .2 versions of Thunderbird and Firefox as yet? Was it successful and easy to install?

Le Doc wrote:

The only thing Sasha, is that this security issue is related to windows and not Mozilla. ie Mozilla haven't got this security issue on linux or Mac. Again Bill gates is the origin of this

No matter, it doesn’t take of their responsibility… I didn’t code Mozilla, they did it… so they let those security holes become visible in Mozilla… I’m sorry 'cause things looks like that, but it is… No one can say that Mozilla is perfect browser… now, that fact is proved.

Chameleon wrote:

Has anyone updated to the .2 versions of Thunderbird and Firefox as yet? Was it successful and easy to install?

I updated my Mozilla and Thunderbird immediatelly when I saw notifications… Why not ? Those are new versions with fixed security issues… everybody should update in the future as well, as soon as they hear about problem…

Excellent point!!!

Just reread my previous reply… Microsoft made mistake, but you wanna say Mozilla guys are God given ? They didn’t coded properly their product, so it means they made mistake too… Common guys, it’s over… Mozilla has security issues as well, and it will be more… just wait… don’t pretend it will be any different… there is no 100% secure browser and it will never be. Hackers are very, very busy these days… :wink:

I have updated to Firefox 0.9.2 and Thunderbird 0.7.2, seemingly with no problems. :slight_smile: First ever security hole now fixed!


First ever security hole now fixed!
Unfortunately, it will not be the last. This is only the start. As Technical said.. There is no such thing as a perfect browser. The more popular these browsers become, the more holes will be found and exploited. Sad but true. :'(

So, what is that telling you guys ? It tells me that it’s pointless to argue which browser is better or more secure. We have to fight against hackers and believe in our browser’s developers. Biggest problem is 'cause some developers don’t want or don’t have enough time to cooperate with their users. That’s very wrong, 'cause they developed those programs for users in the first place… they need us, just like we need them. They will overcome all those problems sooner or latter… more security issues, more fixes on the way… it’s normal, just like Alwil guys have to fight all the time against all those new viruses and treats… it’s endless circle, it will be always like that…

Cheers !

First of all my thanks to chameleon for bringing this security issue to the attention of those that it affects. I will probably upgrade to the newer versions of FF and TB when I am at my own home based pc later. As pointed out by many there is no perfect browser, O.S. or for that matter any software program. All we can do is to try to stay ahead of the hackers and their evil intentions with whatever software we are using. But, I must say in lieu of this I feel that I still am safer by using Firefox and Thunderbird programs than if I were back using I.E. and O.E. This of course is just MY opinion. One thing also that is a benefit for users of F.F. and T.B. is that they at least have a forum they can access to ask questions and get answers. As far as I know Microsoft, thence I.E. users do not have that benefit.
Thanks again chameleon :wink:

I think I’m a MS user and there have been many occasions where I’ve gotten help from MS by using their help. ( No I don’t mean the fee paid kind.)
As has already been stated in here many times, be careful, use precautions and try to stay safe. ;D

Yeah, you just have to search under Microsoft newsgroups in your news cleint… it will find hundreds newsgroups, and there you can ask for help of any kind related to Microsoft products… there is always someone who is ready to help you with problems…

And as I said before, no one ever responded to my questions at Mozilla’s forum… :-\

Sorry you had a bad experience.
I’ve always found the mozilla forums quite helpful.