Please welcome the version 24.3 of Avast AV released on April 2nd, 2024
Major public announcement:
Automated Scan Schedule – Smart Scan has the option to adjust the frequency of your scan, allowing more automated detection.
Encrypted Client Hello – We’ve enhanced Web Shield with new support standards, making users’ connections safer. HTTPS connections leak information in the TLS ClientHello to the network, notably the hostname of the website being accessed. When supported by the website, ECH allows encrypting this message with a key provided by the server.
other fixes and improvements.
How to install:
[ol]- Update from your existing Avast version via Settings → Update → Update program
It isn’t so much being blocked by uBlock Origin but by the so called EasyList filter/add-on to uBlock Origin.
You can opt to ignore it and proceed or add it to the 'Don’t warn me again about this site or click the uBlock Origin add-on icon and disable for this site.
Why this would suddenly be the case is beyond me.
Not that I download the on-line installation file.
I notice there is a different build number in your image to that in my signature below my posts.
avast! free 24.3.6108 (build 24.3.8975.762) UI 1.0.801
The domain was added due to various adcompanies sending out unsolicated request popups from bits.avcdn.net. Maybe Avast should look more in how they market and advertise online.
When you make statements like this, you have to be more detailed e.g. ‘how it is trying to do this’ ?
Without detailed information it is ‘impossible’ for anyone to try and help.
Here we go again, zero information, a screenshot would be most helpful.
I didn’t get any warning or notifications to restart (as I have said program set to manual update), only when I manually checked did it update and then I restarted.
You should have checked what program update you already had when this occurred, trying to find out after the fact makes it impossible to help. Nor do you say what the program version is that requires a restart.
I suspect the opening of the avast UI may (and that’s a big MAY) have triggered the check, but there really is no information to work with.