Even though avast! doesn’t work with latest Vista build (not Alwil’s fault), I am sure Microsoft guys will fix that problem for the next Vista build…
Anyway, for all those on Windows XP, you can enjoy new Vista feel and look using our beloved avast! Yes, I had some time on my hands, and I wanted to see our antivirus in Vista-styled skin. It will be the first antivirus with Vista skin.
Still working on it, please be patient… I still have to compile all those graphical parts for Program Settings panels. Other than than, skin is pretty much ready and it’s working great.
Interesting thing is… I created every single part of this skin in Windows Vista build 5536, and now checking it on Windows XP since avast! doesn’t work with new Vista release.
When I’m done with this skin, I will contact, or at least I will try to contact Vlk… he’s not answering my e-mails lately (probably too busy), but let’s hope this skin will find its place inside avast! skins download section.
Oh yes… the name of this skin is aVist
I hope you all (or at least, most of you) will like it.
Cheers !
Here are some screenshots:
Old HELP button (rejected and changed… to see new version of Help button, take a look at few post below):
Local Disks scanning process:
Sliding panels and glowing Start button effect:
Glowing Minimize and Close buttons (Just like in real Vista OS):
Everything is exactly the same as in these screenshots except I switched positions of Removable Media and Folder Selection buttons.