Notification List Deletion?

Can ‘the list’ of ‘already-viewed’ Notifications (visible when the Avatar icon is clicked’) be deleted?

Specifically, clicking the ‘Bell’ icon and ‘hovering’ over ‘Dismiss All’ displays a red circle with a horizontal line through it that ‘states ‘Mark All Unread Notifications As Read.’

‘Clearly,’ either I am missing a detail ‘or’ what I want to do is not possible.


You could try going into your Settings, Notifications, Filter By and change All to Unread.


To be clear, I am referring to the ‘Notifications List’ under my Avatar.

What ‘you’ suggested removes the list of Nots (as displayed in your screenshot) but that is not what I wanted to do.

Regarding what I want to do, there should be a setting, to the right of each Notification, to delete it individually.

In other words, once it has been read/acted upon, there is no reason to continue to see it displayed.

I have never really worried about those at the recent ones are generally at the top even if the little numbers or check mars are below that.

I don’t know if what I suggested would also have an impact on that also.

I will be clearer with what I am asking.

When there has been a response to an existing thread, a Blue Circle is displayed (with the number of unread messages).

Once it/they has/have been read, the Blue Circle disappears.

However, the list of ‘already read’ Notifications remain visible. Since there is no reason to ‘keep’ read messages (which are highlighted in blue text), there should be a way to either hide or delete these Notifications (‘or’ do they automatically delete after a specified period of time?)…

‘Again,’ either I am missing a detail or it is not possible to do what I want.

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I’m aware of what you are trying to do, cull the notifications list - but did you try what I suggested as that could also have an impact on the list.

You could try going into your Settings, Notifications, Filter By and change All to Unread.

In my list if I simply click the Profile icon, the list that I see ‘appears’ to be on some sort of order, either chronological or ones that haven’t been read first.

That said, your posts, in this Topic don’t appear in any part of my Notifications, very strange. I guess that would occur if you used the response icons as I did in your first post. So are you seeing my responses to your post/s in this topic.

Goal: Yes, to ‘cull’ the Profile-Avatar-related list.

Specifically (and after following your steps: Settings, Notifications, Filter By and selecting ‘Unread’), the list ‘does’ disappear.

However the Profile-Avatar-related list continues to remain visible and, further, the 'activity; is listed chronologically (with your 3 most recent responses on top of the list) and an ‘Earned Anniversary’ notification on the bottom…

It would be ‘obvious’ if, from the Profile list, there was an option to delete/hide each notification (similar to the ‘Notifications’ list in Facebook). ‘However,’ since that is not possible, either the Avast Notifications ‘self-delete’ (after a specified period) OR they remain visible ‘OR’ only the 8 most recent remain visible ‘OR’ the list remains ‘continuous.’

This is a lot of information for what ‘should’ be a simple question.

As simple as it may seem, unless the new forum software has that function and the Avast Admin/Moderators haven’t set it we are left with what we currently have.

If a Moderator notices this thread and, consequently, can ‘shine some light’ on a detail that DavidR and I have ‘missed,’ please update this thread.

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Personally I can’t believe in this day an age and the frequent use of Dark Mode by Avast users in other Programs mainly Browsers - for the Forum not to have a functioning Dark Mode (despite having a setting for it). Not to mention not honouring Browser settings if they have Dark Mode activated.


What does your ‘Dark Mode’ observation have to do with our ongoing ‘topic-at-hand?’

There ‘should’ be a setting, beside each notification (in the ‘Avatar List’), to hide/delete already-read messages.

Nothing really, just that it is something else being ignored by Avast in the same way your requests to do something about the Notifications lists.

Can you help with this


‘Who’ is your question directed towards and ‘what’’ is your question?

More crucially is it related to the subject of this topic as Spiritual2016 mentions ?


‘Who’ is your question directed towards and ‘what’’ is your question?

Does anyone have an update to this unanswered post?

Weird-My Avatar Notifications stated that ‘Miguel’ responded to my thread but there is no mention of him within the thread itself.

Consequently, there are ‘multiple’ glitches with this new forum software.

Whilst I’m not aware of that post you speak of and I have no notification of it in my list.

Of course there is a possibility it may have been spam removed by an Avast Moderator. Though I don’t know if that too would have removed it from notifications.

There is ‘no’ post from ‘Miguel.’

The 'Notification List lists him at the 2nd-to-top of the list (and your response is on the top of the list).
You and I are the only 2 contributors to this thread so I am unsure why ‘Miguel’ would be in my list…


There is a ‘new notification’ from you but there is no new message (apart from the most recent one that started with ‘Whilst I’m not aware of that post…’).

Even after ‘refreshing’ the thread page, your message (not Miguel’s) appears in this thread (even though the Notification List states the contrary.

As a result, there ‘is’ a glitch.