Off Topic "Comodo Firewall?" [Resolved]

I have recently begun to have CFW pop-ups freeze. And I was wondering if any other CFW users are experiencing the same issue?
The pop-ups occur then freeze until I do a “hard” shut-down. The pop-ups are for the HIPS as I have the CFW “behavior blocker” disabled. They don’t happen very often. But often enough to tick me off.

I posted on the Comodo forums and they want me to disable avast…that’s not gonna happen.
If nothing else I’m going back to Private Firewall.

Now you know why I don’t use the dragon. :wink:

Hi Para-Noid!

I’m using Comodo-FW without ‘GeekBuddy’ and without ‘Defense+’ in ‘Safe Mode’ (Comodo settings) since years and I have no troubles at all.


Did you set your FW & D+ in training mode and did you exclude it correctly after 2 or 3 days than switch back to safe mode, IF so please send me your complete screenshot settings of Avast and Comodo FW so I can have a look.

Edit: Did you run a Comodo FW Diagnostics

We know that Bob :wink:

I refused installing D+ and GB and it never run in training mode. Usually I control the settings right after install and if necessary I change the settings.
BTW: I never run FW diagnostics.


What’s version are you running v5.12 or v6.1 ???


You’re safe because v6.1 is very strong and very aggressive and very tricky to control in between Comodo vs Avast

If you not using D+, which is where the HIPS is, why even bother with a third party firewall? ???

@ SpeedyPC I have been using CFW for several months so training mode was quite a while ago.
I did a clean install of CFW over two months ago. No difference. CFW v6.0

Happy with 3.14… :wink:

Is you’re user name Squeker on Comodo forum yes or no?

@ Asyn don’t rub it in.

@ SpeedyPC You peeked. You gotta keep an eye on those Aussies. ;D

+1 Yes excellent version, even today! :wink:

OK, I won’t. :-X ;D

IF yes than I may have found you’re problem because v6.0 & v6.1 is a whole new bloody ball game…Well am I right smarty pants :wink:

Yeah right. ;D

If I could find v3.14 I would try it. Either that or its back to Private Firewall now that there is no longer a conflict with avast v8.0.xxxx. :slight_smile:

Damn. Caught or guilty and/or both…YES. Damn it all. ;D

Good now you know me ;D as I’m the fastest bloody mouse in the Great Land of OZ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Where would you like to discuss you’re issue here or over their while you were sitting on your toilet reading dirty magazine while you were caught in the act ;D ;D

Now I know who you are. ;D ;D
And if you read my last post over there you would have your answer. 8)

And I wasn’t on the freaking toilet “reading” dirty magazines…I just look at the pictures. ;D ;D