I have recently begun to have CFW pop-ups freeze. And I was wondering if any other CFW users are experiencing the same issue?
The pop-ups occur then freeze until I do a “hard” shut-down. The pop-ups are for the HIPS as I have the CFW “behavior blocker” disabled. They don’t happen very often. But often enough to tick me off.
I posted on the Comodo forums and they want me to disable avast…that’s not gonna happen.
If nothing else I’m going back to Private Firewall.
Did you set your FW & D+ in training mode and did you exclude it correctly after 2 or 3 days than switch back to safe mode, IF so please send me your complete screenshot settings of Avast and Comodo FW so I can have a look.
I refused installing D+ and GB and it never run in training mode. Usually I control the settings right after install and if necessary I change the settings.
BTW: I never run FW diagnostics.
If you not using D+, which is where the HIPS is, why even bother with a third party firewall? ???
@ SpeedyPC I have been using CFW for several months so training mode was quite a while ago.
I did a clean install of CFW over two months ago. No difference. CFW v6.0
Good now you know me ;D as I’m the fastest bloody mouse in the Great Land of OZ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Where would you like to discuss you’re issue here or over their while you were sitting on your toilet reading dirty magazine while you were caught in the act ;D ;D