OT : pictures

Can anyone see my forum pic? All I see is a box with a red X I notice this on a few other users pics

No sorry Mac,

This is all anyone sees the X box.

If you get it working, you will also see it in your profile.


Sorry, that should have read… this is all anyone is seeing on your posts.

Do you need any help?

I just found a good pic and was sad no one got to see it :-[

am I doing it right? I posted the URL from the webpage of the blownup version of the pic

Errmm right, but we’re not talking about Avast working… or am I going bonkers :wink:

The ‘full’ url should do it, sometimes lower case is important, why not experiment with one of the Avast logos. Technical posted a link under the BEST BEST BEST topic.


Thanks I will try the logo. after I perfect it I will try to find another good pic of the Mac G5
Happy Holidays Form me and all of us at MacWorld.com :wink:

I think YaBB (webpage developer) make some ‘restrictions’ for the picture (size, type, widht…). Maybe clicking the help button on the top of the page… 8) or here.

ok, so if I want to add a picture…I type the url and add my picture?
dumb butt, I know!
thanks, cojo

type in the FULL URL to the webpage with the picture

MacLover, your picture points to:


Which tells me you’ve inserted C:/powermacG5side06232003.jpg in your prefs, which is clearly wrong.

You must find some webhosting, upload the picture there and then insert the full url (http://site/path/picture.jpg) in the box.

We don’t support uploadable avatars.

all right, if I found a picture on the web that I really like…can I use that?

Sure, you can - find nice picture or place your photo on the public webhosting.

:-[ :-[ :-[
ummm…sigh…what is public webhosting?

us southern gals have no shame…and no brains :wink:
but we are fun when it counts most :wink:


Cojo, if you seach Free Web Hosting in Google, you’ll find some free services fot it. I mean, you can have your own homepage, onw ftp site, store things, and so on… Of course, there are limitations for it.

If I can suggest you one, try http://free.prohosting.com/ ;D

technical id did point to a actual web adress but i changed it to that just to see if it would work it did point to http://www.apple.com/powermac/gallery/side.html

don’t you think about your picture changing as well ? ;D

I for one like his picture it fits him well

Please, pk give me a 150 kb of space into www.avast.com and I’ll change it with pleasure… But, anyway, it really seems with me… ;D

Technical…I like your Bruce persona…fits you nicely!
cojo 8)

wOw…I just got the info from prohost…this may turn out to be fun ;D