Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition

Dear Collegues!
I am sorry, my English very bed…
I have Mozilla TB and Avast 4.7 Home Edition
I have two accounts - Gmail and standart mail account with POP3 (port 110) and SMTP (port 25)
I installed and configured Stunnel. This configuration works OK.
my stunnel.conf
client = yes
Service-level configuration
accept = 12110
connect =
accept = 12025
connect =

my TB Setting
1.Standard account POP3 and SMTP - worked correct
2. Gmail account
a) POP - servername - localhost, port -12110, login
b) SMTP - servername - localhost, port -12025, login
When I turned off avast the mail accounts worked correct - they either send and recieved mail - everything ti’s OK

After setup Stunnel and Mozzila TB i wrote in avast4.ini next lines
When I turn on Avast, I can sent and recieved mail from my standart account (POP3:110 and SMTP:25), which Avast scaned - incoming and outcoinmg mail, its OK
When I wrote mail and I sent from Gmail account - it’s OK, avast scaned this outcomig mail - it’s OK.
But when I want incoming mail on Gmail account I see next TB message - POP server internal error and stunnel log write:
2007.01.14 03:04:06 LOG5[3536:2344]: gmail-pop3s accepted connection from
2007.01.14 03:04:06 LOG5[3536:2344]: gmail-pop3s connected remote server from
2007.01.14 03:04:07 LOG5[3536:2344]: Connection closed: 66 bytes sent to SSL, 216 bytes sent to socket
Pese, advise me to solve this problem…
Best Regards, Vadim Mc

I’m not sure but I think you need to add in avast4.ini ports 1401 and 1402.
Also I don’t think that avast! is the reason of this problem. Do you have a firewall?

This ports aren’t constant values, see more big stunnel log

2007.01.14 02:36:25 LOG5[3536:1840]: gmail-pop3s accepted connection from
2007.01.14 02:36:25 LOG5[3536:1840]: gmail-pop3s connected remote server from
2007.01.14 02:36:31 LOG5[3536:1840]: Connection closed: 72 bytes sent to SSL, 252 bytes sent to socket
2007.01.14 02:41:26 LOG5[3536:2276]: gmail-pop3s accepted connection from
2007.01.14 02:41:26 LOG5[3536:2276]: gmail-pop3s connected remote server from
2007.01.14 02:41:27 LOG5[3536:2276]: Connection closed: 66 bytes sent to SSL, 217 bytes sent to socket
2007.01.14 02:46:26 LOG5[3536:2384]: gmail-pop3s accepted connection from
2007.01.14 02:46:26 LOG5[3536:2384]: gmail-pop3s connected remote server from
2007.01.14 02:46:27 LOG5[3536:2384]: Connection closed: 66 bytes sent to SSL, 216 bytes sent to socket
2007.01.14 02:51:26 LOG5[3536:2544]: gmail-pop3s accepted connection from
2007.01.14 02:51:26 LOG5[3536:2544]: gmail-pop3s connected remote server from
2007.01.14 02:51:27 LOG5[3536:2544]: Connection closed: 66 bytes sent to SSL, 217 bytes sent to socket
2007.01.14 02:56:26 LOG5[3536:304]: gmail-pop3s accepted connection from
2007.01.14 02:56:26 LOG5[3536:304]: gmail-pop3s connected remote server from
2007.01.14 02:56:27 LOG5[3536:304]: Connection closed: 66 bytes sent to SSL, 217 bytes sent to socket
2007.01.14 03:01:26 LOG5[3536:3008]: gmail-pop3s accepted connection from
2007.01.14 03:01:26 LOG5[3536:3008]: gmail-pop3s connected remote server from
2007.01.14 03:01:27 LOG5[3536:3008]: Connection closed: 66 bytes sent to SSL, 217 bytes sent to socket
2007.01.14 03:04:06 LOG5[3536:2344]: gmail-pop3s accepted connection from
2007.01.14 03:04:06 LOG5[3536:2344]: gmail-pop3s connected remote server from
2007.01.14 03:04:07 LOG5[3536:2344]: Connection closed: 66 bytes sent to SSL, 216 bytes sent to socket

Who have any ideas about solve this problems?

I am sorry I cannot help with the setup for STunnel but I’m sure some others here will soon.

I find it much easier to use the Webmail extensions of Thunderbird for GMail. The code only runs when Thunderbird is in use and it requires just one check in the user interface of avast to get the mail scanned.

These ports are used by Stunnel but they aren’t shown in any other configuration.

I think problem is on security used by TB to communicate.
You should NOT use secure communication option into TB settings.

What does this mean?
Ether mail account use POP3 - first uses standart 110 port, Gmail - 12110 port…
There is standrt acount incoming and outcoming mail scans Avast, everyting OK…
Gmail account does’n recive mail (sorry, I made mistake when I wrote - when Avast TurnOn) but sends outcoming message, which Avast scan…
Wnen I turn off Avast - Gmail accounts work OK and sent and recieve message…

Please, go TB, Tools > Accounts (configuration) > Server folder of settings and post a screenshot here.

To know how to post a screenshot, see
You can use WinSnap to get a screenshot (

POP3 uses 110, ok.
GMail with Stunnel will use, in your settings, 12110, ok.
The other ports listed there seems to be ‘internal’ communication between Stunnel and Thunderbird, and NOT external ports (from Stunnel to Internet).

I have a Russian localization TB, see this picture

My PC placed in local homenetwork…
All users use local smtp server - that don’t spam from lolcal machine
I use fo Gmail account our intrenal smtp mail server with 25 port
The mail oiutcoming from Gmai account ok and checking Avast…
The major problem - scan incoming mail…
See second picture

Vadim Mc, а почему бы не попробовать пообщаться на русскоязычном форуме ? :slight_smile:
(Vadim Mc, why we can’t discuss this subject on Russion language in the forum ? :slight_smile: )

Привет, земляк…
Потому что я там не нашел обсуждения этих тем - искал по POP and Gmail…
Да и наши земаны как то все агрессивно настроены к друг другу, а мне вообще то дельный совет нужен а не флейм и флудерство, прочитал ветку почему Аваст бесплатен - как то расхотелось задавать вопросы на русском форума:)
В принципе, когда не сканер Аваст не включен на сканирование входящей почты работает и стандартный ПОП и Gmail… Стоит только включить сканер входящей почты - даже по одному 110 порту (не добавляя в редирект 12110) - стандартный ПОП работает, а Gmail начинает выдавать такую надпись
Вроде бы я по английски нормально все объясняю… Проблема именно с входящей почтой Gmail по порту 12110

Vadim, I can’t understand a word in Russian :cry:
But comparing with the same positions in my TB windows, your configurations seems ok.
Are you sure Stunnel is running at that time, are you sure you’ve allowed Stunnel and avast mail provider to connect the Internet into your firewall settings?

Sorry, I translate my pictures to English

As I’ve stated before, I can compare the windows… no need to translate.
Maybe you can add the following line to the [MailScanner] section of \data\avast4.ini:


Then generate some traffic, simulate the problem (i.e. force the avast mail scanner to time out by sending an email with attachment) and then post here the contents of the file \data\log\aswMaiSv.log

Tech, the words on picture says:
Command USER is not executed. Postal server localhost has answered: No POP server defined. Use real server address instead off in your account.

Tech, you overtaked my post :slight_smile:

Vadim Mc says that he has a problem exactly with incoming mail Gmail on port 12110.

Vadim Mc, пожалуйста, дублируй свои сообщения переводом на английский, как, например, я этот свой пост :slight_smile:
(Vadim Mc, plz, translate your posts on Egnlish like this one mine :slight_smile: )

I solved this problem. I think that’s interes for other users…
Can I write Russian that you translate my message to English?

Vadim Mc, я постараюсь :wink:
(Vadim Mc, I’ll try :wink: )

Сергей, вкратце ситуация такая…
У нас локалка на статическом IP - т.е не DHCP… В настройках руками пишется шлюз (gateway), адреса серверов DNS, и собственно сам адрес машины у меня он… Натолкнуло меня на эту мысль упорное сообщение почтовика что адрес не является сервером
Я полез в stunnel.conf, прописал там ручками
accept =ой статический IP адрес
connect =
delay = yes
Потом прописал в ТБ
servername -Мой статический IP
username -
Port - 12110
Использовать защищенное соединения - никогда
И все заработало, порты 110 (стандартный почтовый аккаунт) и 12110 (Gmail) отлично редиректятся и сканируются…Поискал в AvastIni параметр DHCP - ничего не нашел…
Так что вот такая вот загогулина, в случае статического IP адреса надо его а не localhost прописывать в TB и stunnel…Завтра проверю у друга работу с DCHP :slight_smile:

OK, see the translation of your last post has maded by myself :slight_smile:

"Sergey, in brief the situation is…
We have local-area network on steady-state IP - i.e not DHCP… In setting I wrote the floodgate (gateway), the addresses of DNS servers and the address of the my machine, beside me it’s… The stubborn that message mail contractor that address is not a server was promted me on such thought.
I edited the stunnel.conf and has prescribed there:
accept = static IP adress
connect =
delay = yes
Then I prescribed in TB:
servername - static IP adress
username -
Port - 12110
Use protected join - never
After this all have worked, ports 110 (standard postal account) and 12110 (Gmail) have been redirected fine and scanned with avast!.. I has searched in avast.ini parameter DHCP and found nothing…
So here is the solution, in the event of steady-state IP address it is necessary to prescribe it not in localhost but in TB and stunnel… Tomorrow I’ll examine how does DCHP work with such settings beside my friend :slight_smile: "

Tech, thx again for your interesting and for your desire to help :smiley: