Recommend a Homepage/Search Engine!

Hi everyone!

  1. What is your homepage or what would you recommend?

  2. What search engine do you use & what search engine would you set as the homepage?

I am thinking about changing my homepage right about now. Currently, it is, but recently there is something under the search box, “Earth’s Biggest Puzzles”, that is hard on my eyes & is a little annoying (because the search box is no longer in the middle of the page).

Thanks for any suggestions. :slight_smile:

P.S. (I looked around the forum for a topic like this already & didn’t find one… Hopefully I didn’t miss it some place.)

heard it was good ;D

about:blank :wink:

about:blank asyn
yepp......and loads quickly.. ;D ....naaaaa google ..

Hi Kei,

This search engine is my favorite for privacy reasons:
But to know what others are searching and in what ranking, home page = google


Google here, and in IE8, Google translate.

about:blank only!

:smiley: :wink:

Google for me as it shows important dates:

I also use google, but i block all it’s nosy parts for privacy… :wink:
Furthermore often used: Wikipedia (for research) and Metager² (no ip logging, but german only)

:slight_smile: is also nice^^


Hi :slight_smile:

I tried ixquick Startpage a couple of days ago … But just couldn’t get along with it :-
Search Results were somewhat… Rubbish! :-[


Even Better… iGoogle

See picture below :wink:

~lol~ I’m glad to see that everyone who posted was so energetic about the topic. :smiley:

I am between Scroogle & the one polonus mentioned, perhaps alltheweb. Hhmm… but I am not sure what to think about Scroogle ( just yet. I put in a search for “what are winlogon notifiers” or just plain “winlogon notifiers” both without the quotes & I didn’t see a definition or description about them… There was a lot of info about malware & trojans + removing them, though.

I went looking around on the forum & found that polonus had mentioned Scroogle b4: (Go figure!)

I will keep looking for more… I love a fast loading startpage. I like about: blank, but I wouldn’t put it on for my parents’ computers… (I did that before & they didn’t really know what to do when they didn’t see anything show up in the browser…)

That’s how some parents are, nowadays… ;D 8)

And some of us parents know more the the kids… ;D

try this …

at the top left of this page, there are links to orkut,gmail, rediff ,youtube etc and the pic is awesome…

Home page : ;D
S.Engine : Google

Y would u keep Avast as home page?? We need to register only once a year and prog updates come automatically…did u mean avast forums??

Home Page: iGoogle
Search Engine: Google, Bing or Yahoo with Surf Canyon

Dear friends,

I know this is an English speaking forum, but there is also much to be searched in languages you do not know.
How to do that read here:

Enjoy, ye all,


Like quite a few others here, about:blank for my home page.

My primary search “engine” (actually multi-engine, it uses Google, Yahoo, and a few others) is Dogpile, although I can’t remember if that’s what I set as my browser’s default. And for looking up info that doesn’t have to be up-to-the-second, like historical data, I’ll quite commonly use Wikipedia instead (or too, sometimes).