Transition to Avast Password Manager

In firefox these are my extentions.
The orange key is for autofil and password generator which will soon be turned off i guess in February. (this was what was greyed out a few weeks back with a violation warning).
On the right the orange square with the yellow exclamation mark is the new password manager. the yellow means it locks every time you close firefox. but it doesnt log you out but you still need the password to open it each time.

I am getting an error when try to import the Avast Passwords file created by clicking on the Update Now green button (Windows 11):

An error occurred while uploading . Please try again.

Nothing shows in the Event Viewer. Need to get converted as way too many passwords to move manually.

What error message are you getting?
How far are you getting. when you click the green button that saves a temp BIN file to your download folder which auto deletes after 60 minutes. is this when you get the error or further on in the process. then next page asks which brouser you want to import to.

I am glad to have found your posts.

My problem is that I get the password file saved as .bin for 60 minutes, but when accessing the firefox-browser add-on page shown in the last post, I can’t find a button to install it.
So the passwords are not imported or sent to the cloud.
Thanks for any advice.

Hi Alex
Where it says “Remove” in my picture should be where it says “Install”.

Does yours say remove as if so you could already have the extention loaded.

Click on the 3 lines on top right of firefox > then click on settings > on bottom left click on Extentions and Themes and check if you have password manager showing in your list.

The orange key is the old password generator.
the orange square with key is the new extention. if it is greyed out turn it on with the slider on the right.

This shows it is loaded on the top right of Firefox.
The orange square with a yellow exclamation mark (which means its locked and needs your password each time to open it.


Hello MrDJ,
your guess was spot on. Although I would never have guessed that “remove” means “install” in an “insecure” app.
So I really do have Avast Password Manager already installed with the extensions. BUT unfortunately only the orange key is active in Firefox (as can be seen in the screenshot).

Even if I deactivate this extension, the rectangular symbol does not appear, but the Avast Passwords key disappears.
Do you have a recommendation for this case?

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Now youve stumped me and i havnt got a clue.
im sure when i went through the transfer and instal there was a tick box or something similar to pin to toolbar and then mine showed at the top.
right clicking on say the orange key shows in the menu pin to toolbar ticked but i cant think where to find the square orange icon so you can tick it to pin it.

i will try and play about and search for it but i dont want to risk removing it and going through the install again just in case it doesnt work this time.

These sub forums dont get much traffic so not many people see them so the only person i know thats helped is @NON so ive tagged him to see if he can think where the icon will be hiding.


try this. i just want to check if you are getting the blue login box.
go to avast account portal which for me still auto fills using the old manager but also shows the key (old), nord password and the new password manager icon.

are you getting the blue unlock box and also does the orange square show in the email and password boxes.

Hi MrDJ,
I have figured out how to get the Avast Password Manager icon into the Firefox bar.
On the top right of Firefox is the icon for add-ons. Coming from the add-on page, I can right-click on the add-on icon to pin it. I then deactivated Avast Passwords.
Unfortunately, the passwords were not in the safe. So I went through the whole migration again with saving the .bin and setting up the safe with a new main password was finally successful…
Now I have tried it successfully with 2 examples. I found all passwords via the new Password Manager!
Thanks again for the help.

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your welcome. glad to hear you got it sorted.