I am now using avast,Io Bit security,Super antispyware and Malwarebytes!
I would probably suggest, the firewall of my choice in par with avast is Outpost Firewall^^
According to Matousec, the best ones are:
b Online Armor[/b]
Scored a 99% and reached Level 10
b Kaspersky Internet Suite[/b]
Scored a 96% and reached Level 10
b COMODO Internet Security[/b]
Scored a 96% and reached Level 10.
b Agnitum Outpost[/b]
Scored a 93% and reached Level 10
@.: L’ arc :.
If you use Kaspersky you can’t use avast!
Read about Comodo:
I have removed all IO Bit applications.
Is online armor freeware?
No not free… COMODO firewall is the best free firewall u can find…
Im using vista with a firewall providing both inbound and outbound protection^^
(download the Sphinx customized thingy^^)
If ur now using vista, try downloading a firewall of ur choice from the given options above^^
somehow, COMODO is still notorious for supporting bad guys, malware creators, etc.
shiw liang post:5:Is online armor freeware?
No not free… COMODO firewall is the best free firewall u can find…
For windows, I use COMODO… yeah… I’ve heard about that… but I don’t really know if I should switch or not…
[font=segoe ui] According to Matousec, the best ones are:
@ L’arc: The link is rated as unsafe by Browser defender… Any idea why?
remove browser defender and use wot (available for both ff and ie).
you can also try finjan.
remove browser defender and use wot (available for both ff and ie).
you can also try finjan.
I don’t know… Browser defender was suggested by some people on this forum… though I don’t remember who…
Actually, I tried finjan… seems like it doesn’t work on Ubuntu… N I already have WOT… which said the site was safe…
I don’t know, I just heard good reviews about browser defender that’s why I also recommend it, about WOT, I already ditched it, it was very subjective to user comments/ratings. What I really use is Finjan. Hmm. Weird. Finjan did not warn me of any threat.
I think browser defender is just another mcafee siteadvisor free. finjan is bit slow.
Is online armor freeware?
Hi shiw liang
Online Armour has got a free version as well as paid versions of their firewall.
Plus they also have a security suite including anti-virus.
@arc & nmb : don’t know… finjan did not show any ratings next to sites as it was supposed to do… but i did see a finjan iscon on my status bar… funny…
edit: in fact, when I clicked for more details concerning the site, it said that the links on the website were not safe, not the site itself…
I’m wondering, Finjan is acting odd on my PC too. Hmm.
I think browser defender is just another mcafee siteadvisor free. finjan is bit slow.
Is Browser Defender faster?
It is from PC Tools.
I think browser defender is just another mcafee siteadvisor free. finjan is bit slow.
Browser Defender™ is not from McAfee and I would not recommend anything from McAfee
[b]About Browser Defender™[/b] Browser Defender™ was developed by the same team of professionals who created Threat Expert, the advanced automated threat analysis system. Threat Expert is known to produce reports with the level of technical detail that matches or exceeds antivirus industry standards such as those found in online virus encyclopedias.http://www.browserdefender.com/company
ThreatExpert: Introduction:
Finjan is not slow.
I use it on my old XP Home 2.4GHZ P4 512MB RAM system that I am trying to sell and it works fine.
Browser Defender makes my FF startup slower…about 4 seconds delay^^
Anyway, Is Finjan strangely weird right now… ???