Why did my CCleaner free version 2.34.xxx, auto update?


I am most unhappy that my old/er version of CCleaner was automatically updated to v5.41.6446 today, after I started my PC.

Who in H$&# gave you/them the right or permission to do that?

Since CCleaner FREE, v2.34.xx does not have that ability, I take it that AVAST did the update…


&…What’s with all these new settings & options & the terrible “new flat/faded look?”

If I wanted the latest version of CCleaner, I would have checked & D/L’d it myself.

How much more underhanded & intrusive are you, AVAST, going to get?

You are an Anti-Virus program…NOT an automatic updater of any of MY or anyone elses programs running on their M/C’s.

I do NOT need any of the NEW features &/or options.

A “cookie” manager/cleaner that lists all/many of the sites I’ve been to & wants to clean them all?

What else are you scanning on MY damn M/C?

(To the AVAST Devs…Please remove the ability for your AV program to automatically check for so called, “out dated” programs on your

customers M/C’s… WITHOUT their exclusive permission.)

This is NOT the “correct” way to proceed.

BTW…I did not have AVAST set to check for any “out dated” programs.

Why did you do that AGAINST MY wishes?

I will definitely NOT be recommending AVAST to anyone…anymore.


I suggest CCleaner forum >> https://forum.piriform.com/forum/4-ccleaner-discussion/

You don’t say what Avast version you have ?

The Software Updater, has CCleaner in its list of software to check for updates, the free version of Avast doesn’t auto update software, that is only in paid versions.

If you are using a paid (or free) version of Avast, there is nothing to stop you opening the Software Update settings and having it Ignore certain programs.

Hi Pondus, David…
Thanks for the replies.

Sorry that I forgot to include the relevant info.
WIN7 HP, 32 bit, running AVAST Free, v18.2.2328, Build 18.2.3825.307.
Defs, 180329.4.

I do not use any of the so called “features” included in AVAST.
Everything NOT needed is un-checked & that includes anything related to updating MY programs.

I have just posted on the CCleaner fora & will await their response as to why they decided it was best for me to update to the latest version.

Thank you both.

Regs, Mike…

ps. Edited to add… If it wasn’t done through AVAST, then how did CCleaner know that I had the old/er version on MY…damn M/C?

I would like to confirm that the same thing happened to me… my CCleaner Free old version (it was something between 5.02 and 5.08, I’m not sure exactly which one) automatically updated itself two nights ago on my WinXP system to 5.41. I wouldn’t have known about it, except for an alert from WinPatrol that a new scheduled task was trying to be implemented.

In CCleaner, I had UNchecked all boxes related to automatically searching for updates, as well as for “monitoring” the system. In avast, the Software Updater has automatic updates turned OFF. Additionally, I believe I had specifically “told” the avast software updater to “ignore” CCleaner.

There is a thread in the CCleaner forum, where at least two other people have reported the same issue: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/51439-ccleaner-free-updated-himself-and-restartmanager-in-windows-logs/

I can’t say whether the update was implemented through CCleaner itself, or whether it was done through avast’s software updater… but suffice it to say, with now 4 people having had this happen, it wasn’t just a fluke/accident.

Thank you for confirming the problem, ky331.
I saw that other thread.

Well, “nukecad” replied & laid the blame right in AVAST’s lap.

For ref; > https://forum.piriform.com/topic/51446-my-older-v23xx-auto-updatedwhy/

I only use the 4 basic “options”, as I do NOT want an AV program to check for any “Out-dated” programs on my M/C.
I have quite a few that will never need or require updating.

The hide of AVAST to do that!

Regs, Mike…

Sorry, but that doesn’t really change what I said, the Avast Free version doesn’t have an Auto Update function in the Software Updater, function. Neither does it check for all software updates just a small subset of programs (I have just 6 in my list, including CCleaner) and can as has been said disabled/uninstalled

The how to remove link by ‘nukecad’ is to a topic from 2015, much has changed since then in both Avast and Piriform CCleaner, but the

Software Updater runs in two modes – manual, and automatic. [b]Manual mode[/b] is used in Avast Free Antivirus, Avast Pro Antivirus, and Avast Internet Security. It means you have to click on each software and perform an update. While automatic mode, available only in Avast Premier, takes care of everything and you don’t need to do anything.

So either this is done outside of the Avast Software Updater (if you are saying you haven’t got it installed), check the Components section to ensure it isn’t installed.

Or avast have taken the decision to update CCleaner, neither of which I can’t comment on as an Avast user. So this needs input from the Avast Team.

Hi David,
I have exactly the same “features” as you have shown.

The “Software Updater” is definitely not installed.
It’s in the list but greyed out, along with all the other crapola…

As I mentioned, I do not need an AV program to check for out-dated programs or take care of my cookies.

Would be grateful if the “AVAST Team” could take a look & remove the totally, un-necessary “CCleaner” checker/updater.

Why should “they” care what vintage of software I run?
It’s my M/C…NOT theirs.

In other words…“Keep your sticky mits off my M/C.”
Thanks for your assistance, David.

Will see how “they” respond.

Regs, Mike…

You’re welcome.

& now,
Back to my other job of moderating the nutters at mozillaZine.

Ta muchly…

I am also having this issue. Using avast! Business Protection (Endpoint Protection 8.x with SOA). There is no “software updater” option in the SOA console. The clients have that option but it is disabled. So it’s entirely out of my control.

We have CCleaner installed on several machines because the vendor who sold us those machines included it. We have NEVER used it. It was installed several years ago and we have NEVER updated it. It was not set to run on boot-up by the vendor or by us. Not only was the software suddenly updated today, it was set to run on boot-up by the mysterious “update” process.

I agree with others who have said that this is entirely inappropriate.

I’ve reported this on the Developers channel.
Remember, this is the weekend so don’t expect an immediate reply.

Hi Bob,
Thanks for that.
Will await their response to this totally un-necessary invasion of MY & the others M/C’s.

It’s been 4 days & still no response from the Devs.

Any way to ask them again…politely of course?

I have blocked any out going requests etc., by CCleaner in my Comodo firewall.

I hope “they” can come up with a “fix” for this invasion of our M/C’s without our knowledge or permission

&, do NOT do anything like that…again.

Ta muchly.

Regs, Mike…

Hi y’awll…
What can one say?

It’s been over a week & still no response from “The Team” as to why, “they” decided what was best for me & MY M/C.

I would still like to know exactly what else “they” are using “their” Anti-virus program for in regards to totally un-wanted &
un-necessary silently scanning of MY damn M/C.

Please…Just go back to being a good Anti-virus program & cut out all the other crapola.

It’s slooooowww to load the UI & just chock full of bloatware.

Still waiting for a reply of some kind.

Ta muchly.

Regs, Mike…

I manually reverted CCleaner on my XP system from 5.41 back to 5.09. It stayed that way for a few days… until just now, when I updated avast (via internal updater) from 17.x to 18.3… and CCleaner was “simultaneously” updated to 5.41 again.

Hi ky331,
Thanks for the update.

Apparently, AVAST are taking it upon themselves to perform the updating process,
despite any or all attempts to NOT update “our” programs with NO notification & against our will/s.

Mine just updated to that version as well, even though I had the CCleaner.exe/updater blocked by my COMODO firewall.
or am I mistaken?

Trouble I have now is, that AVASt UI will not open correctly.
It just displays as a totally blank, white screen.

A “Repair” does absolutely nothing.
I am in the process of an Un-install, Clean up the leftover crap, (with their tool), going off-line etc., etc., etc.

Just another “stuff-up” by the AVAST team…methinks.

When are “they” going to go back & just become a good Anti-virus program?

That’s what I would like to know.

Regs, Mike…

Well, after much “stuffing around”, I am now able to see the UI & check all my original settings.
I must admit though, that COMODO did have a small hand in why AVAST was not opening.
Anyway, shesa apples again.

In my case, I used avast’s INTERNAL updater to update from 17.x to 18.3, and so there was no warning/prompts about allowing/denying CCleaner’s update. I’m wondering if, had I done a COMPLETE install of avast, if there would have been an option/offer to accept/decline CCleaner??

Well, during the complete removal & re-installation process,
there was no inkling or reference to CCleaner.

I do not know what AVAST is scanning during the install or even when running “normally.”

I just wish that it would not touch any of my installed programs.

Will see what response the “Team” come up with.

Regs, Mike…

At least two of my machines using Avast have done exactly that with CCleaner…AND AdBlockPlus.
New versions of ABP at least on my OS do not have the option of using right click, select an element to hide…and all this started with Avast program updates (free).

I disable all auto updates (including killing MS Auto Updates) so…somehow Avast snuck something in there on unsuspecting users.

With all the reboots, I wonder if they are getting a kickback on reboots?