Win XP infinite loop while booting

Have a XP laptop with some software that I use. This laptop was working well till today (not connected to internet ever since MS stopped support). All of a sudden, XP won’t boot. Tried safe mode and machine goes into infinite loop. The last driver I see getting loaded in safe mode is aswRvrt.sys

Did F8 and stopped the infinite loop and see following error:
Stop: 0x0000007b ( 0xb84cb524, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, ox00000000 ).

Changed RAM and still same error.
Googling this landed me to this forum. Followed instructions in the post:
Downloaded OTLPENet.exe and Farbar Recovery Scan Tool, burnt OTLP to CD and have the log file that is attached.

I have disabled System Restore on this machine but have ERUNT backups in a folder on the drive if that is needed to restore registry. However would really like to get the system working without restoring registry to ensure that my programs runs properly.

Appreciate your assistance.

There is nothing attached.
Scroll down to “If you cannot Boot the computer”

i did forget to attach the file. it is now attached. please let me know if you cannot see it

Nope, still nothing attached. :-
You did click on “attachements and other options”?
Choosed the filed and clicked on post?

yes, I can see the file attached to OP. Attaching once more

Ok, now it is attached.
Guess there was a glitch or something with your first post.

Now have some patience, a log file specialist will soon be with you to help you.
Most are in Europe and it is night there.

glad that all is fine now and attachment is visible. Hopefully i’ll have an answer soon. This is really bugging me :frowning:

Don’t worry, you will get help soon.
Just keep in mind it is night in Europe and that it is weekend.

I know and will wait.

It is so surprising that these things happen ONLY when we need the machine real bad. Had worked on this machine (with XP) every once in a while without having a real need to get something done. But today, when I needed to get something done, poof! That is life, isn’t it!

Actually is not a surprise.
You can only notice something if you are gonna/want to use a system.

Put a car in a garage and let is stay there for e.g. 10 years.
Go to the garage and try to start it.
It is only then that you notice it won’t start.
But that doesn’t mean the problem wasn’t there many years earlier :wink:

You do not appear to have any restore points, did you turn them off ?

Download the attached fixlist.txt to the same location as FRST
Run FRST and press fix
On completion try a reboot

Restore points - yes, disabled. Used ERUNT for backups.

Will run the fixlist and let you know soon.

What seems to be the problem? Malware?

No it is a system problem, no malware apparent

Thank you. Was able to reboot machine and it is now running chkdsk but seems to be hung up at 5% on stage 5 of 5. Would you like me to run some other utility as well?

Would have been surprised if it was malware based on the precautions I take including using VMs for browsing etc.

However, I’m still interested to learn what caused this error so that I can take actions to avoid them in future.

Thanks again for your help.

Unfortunately this is one of the windows problems that has a hundred known causes and about two hundred unknown. It is rare for malware to do this

Did chkdsk repair the errors as went ?

as chkdsk was hanging up, I shut down machine and used my XP disk to go to Recovery mode and run chkdsk. It seems to have worked and I can boot to desktop.

however, every re-start causes chkdsk to run and I do not understand why it is running even for partitions on which no error has been found.

Checked registry to see if BootExecute was set up to start chkdsk but it was ok, no issues there.

Tried fsutil and see 2 data partitions come up at Dirty. Boot partition is ok

Try this

To clear the NTFS dirty bit on a drive/partition, try this. Note x: is the drive you want to clear, usually c:

XP- Click on Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt
Vista & WIndows 7- Click on Start, All Programs, Accessories. Right click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator

Type fsutil dirty query x:. This queries the drive, and more than likely it will tell you that it is dirty.

Next, type chkntfs /x x:. The /X tells Windows to NOT check that particular drive on the next reboot. Now manually reboot your computer, it should not do a chkdsk and should take you directly to normal Windows login.

Once Windows has fully loaded, bring up another Command Prompt and enter chkdsk x: /f /r. Reply Y if asked if you want this to happen on the next boot. This should take you through 5 stages of the chkdsk scan on the next boot and will unset that dirty bit. Be patient as this can take an hour or more depending on the size of the hard drive or partition.

Once booted back to Windows, open another Command Prompt and query the dirty bit again by entering fsutil dirty query x: and Windows will confirm that the dirty bit is not set on that drive.

That worked. Since the partitions were not boot partitions, I also went to properties-tools and checked for errors again and now it seems that everything is working fine. Restart does not lead to chkdsk.

Since it is not malware, should I be concerned about HDD going bad perhaps?

Thanks for your assistance.

It would be prudent to start making disc images in case the drive is failing